Decision-making experiences of family carers of older people with moderate dementia towards community and residential care home services: a grounded theory inquiry (abridged secondary publication)
LPL Low1, DTF Lee2, LW Lam2
1 School of Health Sciences, Caritas Institute of Higher Education
2 Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1. The burden of care for family carers of dementia elders can be relieved by formal services.
2. Types of decisions carers made were mainly the day-to-day management of distressing symptoms of moderately severe dementia.
3. Decision-making experiences included options perceived by family to meet the dementia caring needs, decisions about service options, and the degree to which the service decision has met needs.
4. ‘Contested provocation’ provided an understanding of the struggles, disputes, and battles carers contended with during the course of caring for elders with dementia while using formal services.