Hong Kong Med J 2016;22(Suppl 4):S32-6
Structure-based discovery and development of natural products as Type II JAK2 inhibitors for the treatment of hepatitis C
EDL Ma, CH Leung, P Chiu, YC Cheng
Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
1. Hepatitis C is a highly infectious disease that imposes a high health, social and financial burden on the population in Hong Kong and worldwide.
2. A new platform for the virtual screening of JAK2 Type II inhibitors was constructed and utilised to identify amentoflavone as a lead scaffold for the development of new inhibitors.
3. Novel natural inhibitors were developed and showed anti-JAK2 activity and anti-viral activity in cellular systems.
4. The compounds potentially represent a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of hepatitis C, and may supplement existing regimens for hard-to-treat HCV genotypes in Hong Kong.