Hong Kong Med J 1995;1:201-6 | Number 3, September 1995
Narcotic addiction in pregnancy
KS Chan, LCH Tang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, 25 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
A retrospective controlled analysis of the obstetrical and foetal outcome of 40 pregnancies complicated by maternal narcotic addiction are reported. An incidence of 1.8 in 1000 live births was observed in this study population. There were statistically significant differences between the pregnant addicts and the control group in terms of marital status, smoking habits, family income, antenatal booking time, incidence of sexually transmitted disease, preterm deliveries, number of male babies, number of small-for-date infants, incidence of neonatal jaundice, and postnatal visit defaulters. Pregnant addicts were also found to have an associated history of irregular menstruation, previous history of preterm deliveries and intrauterine growth retardation, abnormal cervical cytology, and antepartum anaemia. There was no difference in age, parity, past history of infertility, duration of labour, mode of delivery, third stage complications, puerperal complications, and neonatal complications between the two groups. A comprehensive programme is needed to provide education, medical surveillance, counselling, and support for this high-risk pregnancy group.
Key words: Narcotic addiction; Pregnancy; Maternal drug abuse
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