Hong Kong Med J 2008;14:489-91 | Number 6, December 2008
Blast injury: lessons learned from an autopsy
Dilek Durak, Recep Fedakar, Nursel Türkmen, Bülent Eren
Uludag University Medical Faculty, Forensic Medicine Department, Görükle 16059, Bursa, Turkey
Blast injury is becoming more common in the non-military population but it is still rare to see such injuries and deaths unrelated to terrorist acts. The exact mechanisms involved in blast injuries are unclear. Civilian physicians and surgeons need to have a basic understanding of the patho-mechanics and physiological effects of blast injuries. We report a case where a 31-year-old male accidentally detonated a diesel storage tank. His autopsy findings provide useful information for those who investigate explosive-related deaths.
Key words: Blast injuries; Explosions
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