Hong Kong Med J 2008;14(Suppl 3):S36-40
The second deinstitutionalisation project for severely mentally ill patients in Kwai Chung Hospital: a randomised controlled trial
CC Lee, SN Chiu, CW Wong, B Ku, K Wong, OW Chan
Kwai Chung Hospital, 3-13 Kwai Chung Hospital Road, NT, Hong Kong
1. A case management approach is an effective and cost-saving means of discharging chronic psychiatric patients to the community.
2. The discharged patients were well-maintained in terms of their mental state, quality of life, and willingness to stay in the community.
3. There was no increase in readmission rates in the treatment groups, and the increased discharge rate did not generate untoward social consequences (eg delinquency or violence).
4. Further rehabilitation services for the deinstitutionalisation movement should foster greater independent daily living skills in severely mentally ill patients.