Hong Kong Med J 2000;6:412-4 | Number 4, December 2000
Social aspects of women's health
S Twinn
Department of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
An understanding of the multifactorial nature of health has shifted the traditional narrow focus on women's reproductive health to an acknowledgement of the influence of social, cultural, and economic factors on the health status of women. The changing roles of women have also contributed to their health status. In Hong Kong, as in other developed societies, factors such as multiple roles, discrimination, and sexual health influence women's health status. A consistent issue to emerge from the literature is the need for women to share concerns about their health with practitioners who are sensitive to their particular needs. The evidence also demonstrates the need for sensitivity to gender issues--in particular, to women's health--in the development and implementation of national health policies.
Key words: Attitude to health; Health status; Sex factors; Social change; Socioeconomic factors; Women's health
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