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Can we eliminate mother-to-child transmission
of hepatitis B virus in Hong Kong by 2030?
WC Leung, MD, FHKAM (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)1; Martin CS Wong, MD, FHKAM (Family Medicine)2,3
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China
2 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
Corresponding author: Dr WC Leung (leungwc@ha.org.hk)

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is an important
public health issue. Hong Kong’s universal HBV
immunisation programme for newborns began in
1988.1 This programme consists of administering
hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg) to infants born
to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)–positive
mothers, along with the first dose of the HBV vaccine
at birth. The second and third doses of the vaccine
are typically given in Maternal and Child Health
Centres at 1 and 6 months, respectively. Notably, the
proportion of HBsAg-positive pregnant women has
steadily decreased in recent years, from 5.2% in 20162
to 2.4% in 2023 (unpublished data). Despite a 99.8%
HBsAg screening rate among antenatal women,
together with 99.5% coverage for both HBIg and
HBV vaccinations in newborns of HBsAg-positive
mothers,2 a local study3 of 641 HBsAg-positive
pregnant women showed that the overall mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rate remained 1.1%,
indicating immunoprophylaxis failure. To align with
the World Health Organization’s (WHO) goal of
eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat
by 2030,4 and specifically to achieve the WHO
target of <0.1% HBsAg prevalence among 5-year-old
children by that year, further reduction of MTCT
of HBV has been targeted by the multidisciplinary
Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of
Viral Hepatitis, established in 2018 and chaired by
the Director of Health and the Chief Executive of
Hospital Authority.5 As an obstetrics representative
on the Steering Committee, the first author had the
opportunity to present a literature review for use in
formulating the action plan. Three strategies were
considered: (1) maintaining the current approach
of administering HBIg and HBV vaccinations to
newborns of HBsAg-positive mothers, (2) conducting
another randomised controlled trial on the use of
tenofovir in further prevention of MTCT of HBV,
and (3) implementing a universal programme to
use tenofovir for this purpose. Although two major
randomised controlled trials,6 7 both published in
The New England Journal of Medicine, appeared
to reach conflicting conclusions, the MTCT of HBV rates were zero in both the Mainland China
study6 (n=92, per-protocol) and the Thailand study7
(n=147). The safety of tenofovir in pregnancy has
also been established. Rebound increases in alanine
aminotransferase after tenofovir discontinuation
were mild in most cases (acute hepatic exacerbation,
defined as alanine aminotransferase elevation of
>300 IU/L, occurred in 6% of the tenofovir group
vs 3% of the control group7). The administration of
antivirals to HBsAg-positive pregnant women with
high HBV DNA levels has been recommended by
the American Association for the Study of Liver
Diseases, European Association for the Study of the
Liver, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the
Liver, and Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices.5 Despite these recommendations, the
WHO had not made any recommendations by
2018. The Steering Committee ultimately decided to
proceed with option 3.5
All HBsAg-positive pregnant women with
an HBV viral load >200 000 IU/mL will receive an
early referral to the corresponding hepatology
clinic under Hospital Authority to discuss starting
tenofovir (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; United
States Food and Drug Administration pregnancy
category B8) by 28 weeks of gestation to further
reduce the risk of MTCT of HBV. This programme
began as a pilot at Queen Mary Hospital and Prince
of Wales Hospital in the first quarter of 2020; it
was expanded to Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern
Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, Queen Elizabeth
Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, United
Christian Hospital, and Tuen Mun Hospital in the
third quarter of 2020.5 In this issue of the Hong
Kong Medical Journal, Cheung et al9 published
the 2024 Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists guideline on antenatal screening
and management of hepatitis B to prevent MTCT,
summarising current clinical practices in Hong
Kong. This evidence-based guideline aligns with
the core strategy of reducing MTCT risk in the
Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024.10
Additionally, the guideline addresses important issues such as immunoprophylaxis failure, antenatal
management, and the indications for and duration
of continued antiviral treatment after delivery. We
strongly encourage our readers to incorporate the
recommendations of the Hong Kong College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists into their clinical
Between September 2020 and December
2022, a total of 2151 HBsAg-positive pregnant
women attended Hospital Authority antenatal
clinics.11 Among them, 328 (15.2%) had a high
viral load (HBV DNA >200 000 IU/mL) and were
referred to hepatologists, and 314 (95.7%) of these
pregnant women attended hepatology clinics. After
consultation with hepatologists, most women
(n=292, 93.0%) accepted tenofovir prophylaxis.11
Among those who refused tenofovir after consultation,
common reasons included concerns about potential
side-effects on the fetus and fears of hepatitis flare-ups
after postpartum discontinuation of tenofovir.11
A key aspect of outcome assessment is
post-vaccination serology testing, which will be
performed in infants after they complete the full
course of vaccination. Infants born to HBsAg-positive
mothers will be recruited from Maternal and
Child Health Centres and referred to the Hong Kong
Children’s Hospital for blood tests. We anticipate
favourable results, confirming the elimination of
MTCT of HBV in Hong Kong by 2030!
Author contributions
Both authors contributed equally to the development of the manuscript. Both authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and
Conflicts of interest
Both authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
1. Wong VC, Ip HM, Reesink HW, et al. Prevention of the HBsAg carrier state in newborn infants of mothers who are
chronic carriers of HBsAg and HBeAg by administration
of hepatitis-B vaccine and hepatitis-B immunoglobulin.
Double-blind randomised placebo-controlled study.
Lancet 1984;1:921-6. Crossref
2. Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government.
Surveillance of Viral Hepatitis in Hong Kong: 2022
Report. 2023. Available from: https://www.hepatitis.gov.hk/english/health_professionals/files/hepsurv22.pdf. Accessed 8 Oct 2024.
3. Cheung KW, Seto MT, Kan AS, et al. Immunoprophylaxis
failure of infants born to hepatitis B carrier mothers
following routine vaccination. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
2018;16:144-5. Crossref
4. World Health Organization. Global Hepatitis Report
2017. Geneva: Global Hepatitis Programme; 2017.
Available from: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/255016/1/9789241565455-eng.pdf?ua=1. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.
5. Leung WC. Use of tenofovir in further prevention of
mother-to-child-transmission of hepatitis B virus. Hong
Kong Med Diary 2020;25:11-5.
6. Pan CQ, Duan Z, Dai E, et al. Tenofovir to prevent hepatitis
B transmission in mothers with high viral load. N Engl J
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7. Jourdain G, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Harrison L, et al.
Tenofovir versus placebo to prevent perinatal transmission
of hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 2018;378:911-23. Crossref
8. United States Food and Drug Administration. Prescribing
information: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets, for oral
use. Revised 2017. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/pepfar/078800PI.pdf. Accessed 9 Oct 2024.
9. Cheung KW, So PL, Mak LL, et al. 2024 Hong Kong
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guideline on
antenatal screening and management of hepatitis B for
prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Hong Kong Med J 2024;30:400-8. Crossref
10. Department of Health, Hong Kong SAR Government.
Hong Kong Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2020-2024.
2020. Available from: https://www.hepatitis.gov.hk/doc/action_plan/Action%20Plan_Full%20Version_PDF_en.pdf. Accessed 8 Oct 2024.
11. Tsui WM, Leung WC, Kung KN, Lai CH. Antiviral
prophylaxis for the prevention of mother-to-child
transmission of hepatitis B virus. Hospital Authority
Convention 2024 poster presentation F3_3.34. Available
from: https://d1j0dbg7fhovrj.cloudfront.net/assets/haconvention2024/filemanager/images/1712735576F_P3.34_TSUIWaiManVivien.jpg. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.