Hong Kong Med J 2023 Dec;29(6):480–3 | Epub 4 Dec 2023
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Modernising postgraduate medical education: evolving roles of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine in the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
PP Chen, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology); HY So, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology); Johnson ST Lo, MPA, MEM; Benny CP Cheng, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong SAR, China
Corresponding author: Dr Benny CP Cheng (ccp414@ha.org.hk)

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning
Centre for Medicine (HKJCILCM) was established
by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM)
on 10 December 2013 as a state-of-the-art facility
specifically focused on simulation-based learning
(SBL). Since then, the HKJCILCM has evolved to
become the education arm of the HKAM. Here,
we review this evolution in celebration of the 10th
anniversary of the HKJCILCM.
Establishment of the Centre
The publication of To Err is Human: Building a Safer
Health System by the Institute of Medicine set forth
the agenda to build a safer health system.1 The report
concluded that the high rates of preventable medical
errors were caused by faulty systems, processes,
and conditions, rather than individual ‘bad apples’.1
Improvements to patient safety would require the
design of a safer healthcare system; the establishment
of this system would involve a paradigm shift in
medical education.1
Simulation-based learning offers many
advantages. It provides a safe environment for
learners to practise and learn from their mistakes.
Simulated tasks can be repeated and standardised;
their difficulties can be controlled to match various
levels of expertise among learners. Moreover, rare
events can be practised without the delays involved
in real-world encounters.2 However, until the early
2000s, the adoption of SBL was slow among HKAM
Colleges, medical schools, nursing schools, and the
Hospital Authority.
By 2010, there was increasing evidence
regarding the effectiveness of SBL in enhancing
quality healthcare and patient safety3; various
authorities supported a greater role for SBL in
medical education.4 5 6 7 Consistent with this trend, the
HKAM published a position paper on postgraduate
medical education in 2010, which recommended
greater adoption of simulation in postgraduate
medical training, along with the establishment of SBL centres.8 Under the leadership of the then President
Dr Donald Kwok-tung Li, the Council of the HKAM
decided in 2012 to establish a centre of excellence for
innovative learning in medicine on the seventh floor
of the HKAM Building. Through collaborations with
simulation centres at Hospital Authority hospitals
and medical schools, the HKJCILCM was intended
to facilitate trainee instruction at HKAM Colleges,
provide continuing education opportunities to
Fellows and other healthcare professionals, and
support research. It was established in December
2013 with a generous donation of HK$53.5 million
from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
To achieve the highest standards, the HKAM
formed a partnership with the Center for Medical
Simulation (CMS) in Boston of the United States
that was led by Professor Jeffrey Cooper. The CMS
team provided advice regarding development of the
HKJCILCM, including its agenda, the promotion of
simulation in medical education, assessments and
research, faculty development, continuing medical
education programmes, and scientific research
collaborations. The HKAM’s partnership with the
CMS remains strong and robust to this day.
Early years
During its early years, the HKJCILCM faced several
challenges. Although the original objectives of
the Centre had been established, its role among
simulation training centres in Hong Kong was
unclear. At times, the HKJCILCM was engaged in
competition to attract trainers, and some training
programmes overlapped. Also, in those years, access
to the Centre by public transportation was difficult,
and it was not a popular location for training
Various measures were undertaken to address
these challenges. The Centre was equipped with an
array of training equipment, including partial-task
trainers, advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic
simulators, high-fidelity human patient simulators,
as well as interactive virtual reality platforms (eg, XVR and Igloo [with 360° visualisation]), to enhance
training scope and experience. The HKJCILCM team
also supported and collaborated with the Academy’s
Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (a
project concluded in October 2022), the Hospital
Authority, The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong
Kong, and our Colleges to develop and implement
training courses at the Centre. Fellows and trainees
were encouraged to use the training equipment to
practise individual clinical skills. Furthermore, the
HKJCILCM established an internship programme
for students in the Department of Biomedical
Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University. The first intern was accepted into the
programme in July 2017, further enhancing the
Centre’s role in education and research.
Considering the shortage of qualified
simulation trainers in Hong Kong, the HKJCILCM
focused on faculty development from its inception.
Initially, the Centre contracted with the CMS’s
Institute of Medical Simulation to provide five
‘Simulation as a Teaching Tool’ Instructor Courses,
and two Advanced Courses on Debriefing, over 5
years. However, high demand led to the completion
of all seven courses within the first 2 years. In 2015,
the HKJCILCM began to develop its own faculty
development programme; the 4-day Comprehensive
Simulation Educator Course (CSEC) was first
conducted in June 2016. The CSEC was initially
supervised and later endorsed by the CMS. In 2018,
a 2-day Debriefing Skills for Simulation Instructors
(DSSI) course was developed to provide debriefing
skill training to simulation educators who may not be
involved in the development of simulation curricula
or design of simulated case scenarios. These faculty
development initiatives have had a substantial
impact, such that 542 trainers completed the CSEC
and 354 trainers completed the DSSI course by
September 2023. These alumni are now trainers
in various healthcare professional education and
training organisations in Hong Kong. Additionally,
through an agreement with the Hospital Authority,
the HKJCILCM established a 2-month full-time
Visiting Scholar programme at the CMS. Ten
scholars from the HKJCILCM have completed the
programme since 2014.
Consolidation of early achievements
Since 2016, the HKJCILCM has provided access to
its library collection of peer-reviewed journals and
books. This resource was made available to all Fellows
and trainees, allowing them to remain informed
about SBL and medical education. Furthermore,
arrangements were established whereby Colleges
could borrow the HKJCILCM’s equipment for training and examination purposes outside of the
HKJCILCM facility. The HKJCILCM also offered
its medical simulation expertise to assist Colleges
with the development of their own programmes.
By leveraging the knowledge and experience of
the HKJCILCM, Colleges were able to implement
effective simulation-based programmes tailored to
their particular specialty needs.
Over time, the role of the HKJCILCM
became clearer. The main focus shifted to ensuring
programme quality and standards, maintaining
trainer competency, and providing guidance to our
Colleges (and other institutions) regarding the use
of SBL. A quality assurance structure was developed
to ensure quality in all courses organised by the
HKJCILCM; the structure was also intended to
maintain trainer competency. In November 2017,
the HKAM published its Position Statement on
SBL, which provided guidance regarding the safe
and effective use of SBL methods in postgraduate
education and training for healthcare professionals.9
Subsequently, a certification programme for
HKJCILCM’s Simulation Trainers was developed,
along with a structured system for standards
maintenance. After approval by the Council of the
HKAM, the first cohort of HKJCILCM-Certified
Simulation Trainers was approved in early 2019 for
a 3-year cycle. By September 2023, 62 trainers were
participating in the programme.
Evolution to greater heights
Since its inception, the HKJCILCM has been actively
involved in medical education. In the early years,
it regularly led organising efforts for the annual
HKAM Medical Education Conference and other
scientific meetings. Through a collaborative initiative
with The University of Hong Kong–Shenzhen
Hospital, the HKJCILCM organised a symposium
and workshops regarding SBL in July 2019; these
events were held in Shenzhen on the mainland and
attracted considerable interest from participants
across Guangdong Province. Subsequently,
multiple doctors from Shenzhen joined the faculty
development programme in Hong Kong to establish
a group of local trainers.
Over the past decade, leaders at the HKAM
have increasingly recognised the need to strengthen
the Academy’s efforts to modernise postgraduate
medical education. Considering its experience and
success in promoting SBL, the HKJCILCM was
regarded as the appropriate body to serve as the
Academy’s educational arm. A strategic planning
retreat was conducted in November 2020 to
extensively discuss this vision. Based on a survey
among the members of the HKAM Education
Committee, three high-priority interrelated
topics were identified as areas for development: competency-based medical education (CBME),
workplace-based assessment (WBA), and e-learning.
The HKAM Position Paper on Postgraduate
Medical Education, published in 2010, emphasised
the need of transition from traditional process-oriented
training to CBME.8 To accomplish this
important transition, the following four strategies
have been implemented10:
1. Engagement: Because CBME is a complex
concept, conference speeches and presentations,
as well as published articles, have been used to
promote and clarify its importance, meaning, and
implementation methods.
2. Redesign: It is important for Colleges to
adjust their training and assessment standards and
procedures to align with CBME principles. This
process was streamlined at a strategic education and
training workshop organised by the HKAM, which
culminated in the publication of a position paper in
2023 that summarised recommendations from the
3. Faculty development: Because the
implementation of CBME requires trainers to learn
modern teaching skills, faculty development is
essential. The Workgroup on Faculty Development
has been assembled with representatives from most
Colleges, and resources have been provided to
support this initiative. The Basic Medical Education
Course, developed by the Hong Kong College of
Emergency Medicine, has been evaluated and
approved as a model training programme for faculty
development. An intercollegiate curriculum for
faculty development is currently in development.
4. Research: Because postgraduate medical
education is a relatively new field with a limited
academic footprint, there is a need to generate
context-specific knowledge to guide the progress
of the HKJCILCM. This research often involves
qualitative methods with which our Fellows may
have limited familiarity. Simulation approaches
involving mentorship from experienced scholars
are under consideration as initial steps towards
project-based learning. An online course regarding
qualitative research for medical education has been
established as a learning resource.
Competency-based medical education
requires fundamental changes in assessment
methods, which highlight the need for various
measures that include authentic tasks and direct
observation in a clinical setting.12 As a component
of the CBME approach, WBA has become crucial
in efforts to evaluate performance and contribute
to the education of trainee doctors. Our strategy
at the HKJCILCM involves the development of a
standard workshop, which could be tailored to the
specific needs of our partner Colleges. We have
already collaborated with several Colleges, including the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists,
Hong Kong College of Physicians, and the Hong
Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists, to provide
workshops that focus on providing effective feedback
to trainee doctors. However, Carless13 emphasised
the requirement for feedback literacy to ensure
effective feedback utilisation; we are addressing
this aspect through a pilot workshop established
in collaboration with the Hong Kong College of
Because of the coronavirus disease 2019
pandemic, members of the HKJCILCM have shifted
towards e-learning as an alternative to traditional
face-to-face teaching methods. Although our
experience with e-learning has not been entirely
satisfactory, we have identified unique benefits,
including flexibility for learners and the ability to
engage with topics at a self-selected pace. Moreover,
the use of reusable e-learning materials has provided
valuable time savings for trainers and trainee
doctors, allowing them to focus on practical learning
Members of the HKJCILCM have facilitated e-learning
through three strategies. First, we established
the eHKAM Learning Management System (LMS)
Taskforce, consisting of representatives from all
15 Colleges, the HKJCILCM, and other relevant
Departments of the HKAM, to conduct a systematic
process of needs analysis, selection, vetting, and
implementation of our LMS. The LMS of the
HKAM has been operational since 2022. Second, we
have developed and delivered the Learning Online
Educator course, which is intended to equip our
Fellows with the technological skills and educational
expertise necessary to teach online. The educational
framework is based on the community of inquiry
model, whereby our participants are empowered to
use e-learning as an instrument for adult learning
through an inquiry process.14 Finally, our project
team provides technical support to the Colleges’
programmes through mechanisms approved by the
eHKAM LMS Taskforce.
Through its emphasis on the need to modernise
medical education, the ground-breaking report
To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System
initiated a major paradigm shift. To encourage
this shift, the HKAM established the HKJCILCM,
which initially focused on SBL development and
more recently expanded to include CBME, WBA,
and e-learning. This experience has provided a
few important lessons. First, CBME is a constantly
evolving approach intended to achieve better
healthcare through effective medical education,15 and the role of the HKJCILCM will continue to
adapt in response to new innovations. Second,
we must focus on innovations in both technology
and education. Although technologies such as
simulation and e-learning are intriguing, we must
remember that such technologies are intended to
enhance education; their effective use requires a
thorough understanding of educational theories.
This principle has guided us in the development and
implementation of the CSEC, the DSSI course, and
the Learning Online Educator course.
Finally, efforts to transform educational
practices can only be successful if all stakeholders
participate. On behalf of the HKJCILCM, we would
like to take this opportunity to express our deepest
gratitude and appreciation to the following Fellows
and partners for their generous contributions
and unwavering support to the evolution and
development of the HKJCILCM: Dr Donald KT Li,
Prof CS Lau, Prof Gilberto KK Leung, Dr YF Chow,
Prof Philip KT Li, Prof Paul BS Lai, Dr CC Lau, Dr
HT Luk, Dr WK Tung, Dr Francis PT Mok, Prof NG
Patil; Presidents of all HKAM Colleges; Convenors
and Faculties of all HKJCILCM courses; members
of all HKJCILCM Committees, Subcommittees
and Working Groups; the Hong Kong Jockey Club
Charities Trust; Center for Medical Simulation in
Boston of the United States; Hospital Authority; The
University of Hong Kong; The Chinese University of
Hong Kong; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
and The Hong Kong Society of Simulation for
Healthcare. Your support, commitment, and
invaluable insights have been crucial to our progress
and success in the transformation of postgraduate
medical education in Hong Kong.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
This editorial received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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