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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care
Junjie Huang, PhD, MSc1,2,3; Harry HX Wang, PhD1; ZJ Zheng, MD, PhD4,5; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH2,3,5,6
1 Editor, Hong Kong Medical Journal
2 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3 Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
4 International Editorial Advisory Board, Hong Kong Medical Journal
5 Department of Global Health, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
6 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (wong_martin@cuhk.edu.hk)
Status of COVID-19 worldwide
and in Hong Kong
As of November 2022, there have been >600 million
confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) worldwide, including 6 million deaths,
since the pandemic began in 2020.1 In Hong Kong,
the number of cases has reached >2 million,
with >10 000 deaths. Since the initiation of the
vaccination programme in 2021, >94% and >83%
of the population have received the first and third
doses, respectively.2 In addition to its impacts on
infected individuals, the COVID-19 pandemic has
affected the general public and physicians.3 4 5
Relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and cancer
Patients with cancer are more aware of the impact
of COVID-19 because of their increased risk of
infection. This risk of infection arises from factors
such as the presence of an immunocompromised
status related to disease or treatment, the nature
of cancer as a major co-morbidity that enhances
the risks of COVID-19–related morbidity and
mortality, and the need for frequent visits to medical
centres to receive anticancer treatment and cancer-related
care.6 7 A study conducted in China showed
that patients with both COVID-19 and cancer
had 3.5-fold greater odds of requiring mechanical
ventilation, intensive care unit admission, or death,
compared with healthy individuals.8 Patients with
cancer also had a higher risk of COVID-19 infection
and experienced worse outcomes, compared with
patients who did not have cancer.9 10 Additionally,
one study showed that the onset of COVID-19 could
lead to higher mortality (24%) among patients with
cancer than among patients without cancer (3%).10 11
Impact of COVID-19 on cancer screening
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to reductions in
cancer screening services in relation to the suspension of non-urgent medical services, rescheduling to
focus on COVID-19–related services, and reduced
patient motivation to seek care.12 13 14 Affected services
include colorectal, cervical, lung, and prostate
cancer screenings.
For example, colorectal cancer screening
capacity in the United States has decreased by
86%, and up to 1500 colorectal cancer cases have
been missed or delayed in Australia during the
COVID-19 pandemic thus far.12 The effectiveness of
colorectal cancer screening services is compromised
because there is an increased risk of COVID-19
transmission associated with endoscopy and the
exposure of vulnerable people to the hospital
environment. These impacts have been reported
in multiple countries worldwide, including the
United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia,
and Italy.12 Additionally, one study showed that
a large proportion of women in Hong Kong have
never undergone cervical cancer screening; this
lack of screening has been exacerbated during the
COVID-19 pandemic because of restricted access
to medical centres.13 Social distancing and concerns
about potential exposure have deterred women from
seeking clinical care, thereby reducing in-person
screening.10 Another study revealed the potential for
missed cancer diagnoses (prostate, 19.7%; colorectal,
10%; and lung, 3%) because of the COVID-19
pandemic in Hong Kong.14
Impact of COVID-19 on cancer treatment and patient life
The COVID-19 pandemic has had diverse effects
on patients with cancer; the greatest impacts have
involved effects on patients’ lives and access to cancer
treatment modalities. Researchers in Hong Kong
recently published the results of a multidisciplinary
cross-sectional survey that examined the real-world
impact of the pandemic on patients with cancer in
May 2020.15 The survey found that patients accepted
increased physical distance from medical staff
during consultations; patients were able to refill their medications without oncologist consultations.
Although some patients receiving chemotherapy or
radiotherapy chose not to modify their treatment
plans, many patients were willing to balance a change
in treatment efficacy or side-effect profile with the
ability to undergo out-patient treatment. Among
patients with cancer, social distancing measures
during the pandemic have changed attitudes and
experiences related to medical consultation and
cancer treatment; these changes have tended to
continue as the pandemic severity has declined.15 16 17
Implications for cancer care during the pandemic
Research has shown that although cancer services
continue to function with adaptive measures and
patient acceptance, many patients are hesitant to
visit hospitals. This hesitance is related to inadequate
information regarding COVID-19 among patients
with cancer, particularly with respect to hospital
safety measures focused on COVID-19.16 Therefore,
patients with cancer should receive timely
information about COVID-19 from official sources,
through various channels (eg, the internet and social
media), regardless of their age and socio-economic
Research findings have also emphasised
the real-world needs of patients with cancer in
terms of individualised dietetic and occupational
health assessments, early in-patient or out-patient
interventions, and self-help materials for cancer
care developed in the context of the pandemic. Such
considerations should include telemedicine, which
has become popular during the pandemic; because
it sometimes cannot be accessed and understood
by underprivileged individuals (eg, older adults
and less educated patients), telemedicine should
not fully replace conventional physiotherapy and
rehabilitation.17 The issue of telemedicine was
also addressed in a study focused on new cancer
diagnoses. Among patients who experienced
difficulty understanding their cancer diagnosis (eg,
cancer type, stage, and treatment options), the use
of telemedicine may lead to increased anxiety and
confusion. Thus, clinical visits are preferable for new
The decision to continue or discontinue
treatment (chemotherapy or surgery) is a key
consideration for patients with cancer who may have
an increased risk of infection during the pandemic.
The results of some studies suggest that adjuvant
chemotherapy or surgery can be postponed for
patients with cancer who exhibit stable disease,
whereas the results of other studies suggest that
those aspects of treatment should be continued to
prevent COVID-19 transmission. The findings of one
study indicated that adjuvant chemotherapy with curative intent should be maintained for early-stage
cancer.18 Robust precautionary measures should
be implemented for chemotherapy infusion areas
(eg, nucleic acid testing, quarantine, and isolation)
to protect immunocompromised patients.18
Nevertheless, that study did not include patients
with cancer who received treatments in private
clinics. Moreover, future studies should cover longer
periods of time (ie, not limited to the first wave of
the COVID-19 pandemic), considering that there
were five waves of COVID-19 in Hong Kong before
November 2022.19 In addition to clinical outcomes,
patient-reported outcomes should be explored
among patients with cancer.20 Additional studies
are needed regarding the long-term impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care to determine
how it may affect the cancer burden in Hong Kong
during the post-pandemic era.
Author contributions
All authors had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
We thank Ms Yuet-yan Wong, Senior Research Assistant from the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care,
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
for her assistance in the literature search and review.
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