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Importance of sustaining non-pharmaceutical
interventions for COVID-19 until herd immunity
Junjie Huang, MD, MSc1; Wanghong Xu, PhD2,3; Zhijie Zheng, MD, PhD2,4; Martin CS Wong, MD, MPH5,6
1 Editor, Hong Kong Medical Journal
2 International Editorial Advisory Board, Hong Kong Medical Journal
3 School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
4 Department of Global Health, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
5 Editor-in-Chief, Hong Kong Medical Journal
6 The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Martin CS Wong (wong_martin@cuhk.edu.hk)

Currently, treatments for coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) are still under development and are
largely supportive. Effective supportive therapies
include oxygen and ventilation for patients with
COVID-19 who are severely or critically ill. Among
the available pharmaceutical interventions for
patients with COVID-19, dexamethasone has
been shown to shorten the period on a ventilator
and reduce mortality of patients with severe and
critical COVID-19; however, others including
hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, lopinavir/ritonavir,
and interferon regimens show very limited benefits.1
In this theme issue of Hong Kong Medical Journal,
we focus on the latest research on COVID-19, in
particular non-pharmaceutical interventions for
COVID-19 such as face mask wearing, community
testing, or contact tracking and tracing.
Reports on the use of face masks during the
COVID-19 pandemic have found differences among
various regions and countries. Discrepancies in face
mask wearing between cultures have also caused
stigmatisation on some occasions. In general,
Asian populations are more accepting of face mask
wearing.2 An example is Hong Kong, where the high
rate of face mask wearing is often attributed to the
territory’s previous experience with severe acute
respiratory syndrome in 2003.3 Despite the dense
population and proximity to the epidemic centre, the
number of cases has remained modest in Hong Kong.
In this issue of Hong Kong Medical Journal, Tam et al4
report the results of an interesting two-part study
on the mask wearing behaviour of the Hong Kong
population conducted in February 2020. Although
the authors found that the mask wearing rate was
as high as 94.8%, 13% of pedestrians observed wore
their mask incorrectly, with 42.5% of them worn too
low, exposing the nostrils or mouth and 35.5% of
them worn ‘inside-out’ or ‘upside-down’. The authors
also found that among respondents to a survey,
78.9% of them reused face masks, and 65.9% of them
tended to obtain relevant information from social
media rather than potentially more reliable sources such as government websites. The authors highlight
the need for more intensive health education.
It is also important to provide early COVID-19
testing and regular surveillance, especially for
high-risk populations. International guidelines
recommend a series of healthcare policy strategies
that could prepare a nation for early testing,
surveillance, and reporting for infectious pandemics
of global concern.5 In this issue of Hong Kong Medical
Journal, Leung et al6 report the characteristics and
outcomes of 1258 participants tested between March
and April 2020 at a temporary test centre providing
early testing for COVID-19 among high-risk
residents with mild symptoms. The authors found
that 86 individuals tested positive for COVID-19 (test
positive rate of 6.8%). Among them, 40 (46.5%) were
young individuals aged 15 to 24 years, and 81 (94.2%)
had a recent history of overseas travel. The authors
concluded that the temporary test centre had been
successful in early detection of COVID-19 among
high-risk residents. Healthcare providers need to
promote early testing among high-risk subjects
of COVID-19 to prevent widespread community
outbreak. Since that study was conducted, the Hong
Kong Government strengthened the local testing
capabilities, by establishing community testing
centres for providing self-paid testing services to
citizens, as well as compulsory testing for certain
persons subject to the epidemic development and
the need for infection control in Hong Kong.
Tracing the close contacts of COVID-19
confirmed cases is also crucial to control the pandemic.
Also in this issue, Mak et al7 report the formulation
of a departmental COVID-19 contingency plan
utilising a system for patient tracking and facilities
management, which facilitated contact tracing.
The doctors and allied health staff, who serve two
hospitals, also prepared a split team arrangement
whereby the possibility of cross-contamination or
exposure was minimised by having staff work at one
hospital only. The authors report that the system was
successfully implemented twice, and could be quickly implemented again if the need arises. Recently, the
Hong Kong Government developed and prompted
the use of a mobile application (LeaveHomeSafe;
https://www.leavehomesafe.gov.hk/en/) to facilitate
contact tracing throughout the territory. Users of
the application scan a QR code on entering a venue,
and receive a notification if a later confirmed case of
COVID-19 was present at the same venue at about
the same time.
Non-pharmaceutical interventions for
COVID-19 have also been reported elsewhere.
For example, a study of 139 countries found that a
reduced number of COVID-19 cases was associated
with the stringency of different containment
interventions, particularly closures of schools,
closures of workplaces, and public information
campaigns.8 Another study in Hong Kong found that
border restrictions, quarantine and isolation, social
distancing, and changes in population behaviour
(hygiene and reduction of social contact) were
significantly associated with control of COVID-19
pandemic.9 However, the implementation of non-pharmaceutical
interventions for COVID-19 should
be tailored according to the characteristics of
pandemic and capacity for individual countries. As
reported in this issue by Wang et al,10 the COVID-19
outbreak in Singapore had a dual nature, with infected
cases spreading differently in foreign dormitory
workers and the community at the same time.
Different multipronged approaches were employed
to tackle the spread of the virus in the two distinct
groups. The vulnerability to COVID-19 and coping
capacity are different among countries.11 Therefore,
it is imperative to identify the capability framework
that could mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic in
the global health community.12 The World Health
Organization has provided guidelines for building
a capability framework to control the transmission
of COVID-19.13 The framework consists of several
essential domains, including overall coordination,
community engagement and risk communication,
measurements of public health, health services
and case management, prevention and control
of pandemic, as well as surveillance mechanism
which are important for developing tailored non-pharmaceutical
strategies for individual countries
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy
and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
1. Repurposed antiviral drugs for Covid-19—Interim WHO solidarity trial results. N Engl J Med 2021;384:497-511. Crossref
2. Wong SH, Teoh JY, Leung CH, et al. COVID-19 and public interest in face mask use. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2020;202:453-5. Crossref
3. Huang J, Teoh JY, Wong SH, Wong MC. The potential
impact of previous exposure to SARS or MERS on control
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eur J Epidemiol 2020;35:1099-103. Crossref
4. Tam VC, Tam SY, Khaw ML, Law HK, Chan CP, Lee SW.
Behavioural insights and attitudes on community masking
during the initial spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong.
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5. Wong MC, Teoh JY, Huang J, Wong SH. Strengthening
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6. Leung WL, Yu EL, Wong SC, et al. Findings from the first
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7. Mak ST, Fung KS, Li KK. Formulation of a departmental
COVID-19 contingency plan for contact tracing and
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8. Wong MC, Huang J, Teoh J, Wong SH. Evaluation on
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10. Wang SS, Teo WZ, Hsu LY. Managing parallel COVID-19
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11. Wong MC, Teoh JY, Huang J, Wong SH. The potential
impact of vulnerability and coping capacity on the
pandemic control of COVID-19. J Infect 2020;81:816-46. Crossref
12. Wong MC, Huang J, Teoh JYC, Wong SH. Identifying a
capability framework that could mitigate the coronavirus
disease 2019 pandemic in a global health community. J
Infect Dis 2020;222:880-1. Crossref
13. Wong MC, Huang J, Wong SH, Teoh JY. The potential
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pandemic: a cross-sectional study of 114 countries. J R Soc
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