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One year into COVID-19 pandemic, what do we
have to look forward to?
Ivan FN Hung, MD, FRCP (Lond, Edin)
Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Ivan FN Hung (ivanhung@hku.hk)

At the time of writing, Hong Kong has just
experienced the end of a fourth wave of the
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
after imposing stringent infection control measures.1
With the recent launch of the COVID-19 vaccination
programme, we are finally seeing the light at the end
of the tunnel. Nevertheless, it will take major efforts
from the Hong Kong SAR Government and various
parties to reach the herd immunity level in order to
lift all infection control measures.
In 2003, there was a severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Hong Kong and
mainland China. Between March and June 2003,
1750 patients were diagnosed to have SARS in Hong
Kong, with 286 deaths.2 Despite identification of
the SARS coronavirus as the cause of SARS3 and
description of the disease pathogenesis model by
a team from The University of Hong Kong,4 it was
a painful experience with hefty loss of life. The
major outbreak in the Amoy Garden estate due to
contamination of the sewage in the U-traps which
subsequently led to the airborne transmission of
the SARS infection among the estate residents
highlighted the overcrowded living conditions in
Hong Kong.5 By June 2003, 386 healthcare workers
were diagnosed to have SARS and eight of them—four
doctors, one nurse, and three healthcare assistants–had succumbed.3 The initial shortage of masks and
protective clothing for healthcare personnel and the
lack of negative pressure isolation facilities resulted
in significant nosocomial transmission of the virus.
The majority of the diagnoses were made clinically
and radiologically, and patients were cohort in large
general medical ward. Treatment options were
limited to steroids and ventilator support for those
who developed respiratory failure. Many patients
who were fortunate to recover from the infection
suffered from lung fibrosis and the crippling long-term
adverse effects of high-dose steroids.6 The
SARS outbreak in 2003 highlighted the lack of
communication among the health authorities in
Hong Kong, mainland China, and the rest of the
world. The establishment of the Centre for Health
Protection in Hong Kong has helped overcome this
shortcoming. The introduction of negative pressure
isolation facilities in all major public hospitals
hugely reduces the risk of nosocomial transmission and allows infected patients to safely cohort with
minimal environmental contamination.7
Benefitting from experiences with SARS
in 2003 and the swine flu pandemic in 2009, the
Department of Health in Hong Kong implemented
intense surveillance measures including tight border
restrictions, social distancing, and mask wearing in
the community.8 Vigorous contact tracing by the
Centre of Health Protection enabled early quarantine
and isolation. Deep throat saliva sampling for
diagnostic screening reduced the human resources
needed while maintaining high sensitivity.9 Such
measures resulted in a relatively low number of
confirmed infections despite the Hong Kong’s status
as an international transport hub. The negative
pressure isolation facilities in Hospital Authority
hospitals allowed prompt isolation and treatment
of patients with COVID-19 with moderate to severe
disease and identified risk factors. The establishment
of a community treatment facility at AsiaWorld-Expo allowed the isolation of large number of
confirmed patients with mild disease, thus relieving
the pressure on isolation bed facilities. The recent
establishment of an infection control centre at North
Lantau Hospital will further increase the number of
negative pressure beds available.
Various measures have been shown to reduce
the complication rate and shorten hospital stay
for patients with COVID-19. Early treatment
from symptom onset with the triple combination
of interferon beta-1b, lopinavir-ritonavir, and
ribavirin resulted in significantly quicker clinical
improvement and shorter duration of viral shedding
in patients hospitalised with COVID-19.10 The choice
of antivirals was based on results from previous
in vitro and in vivo animal studies on repurposing
drugs for treatment of SARS 2003, Middle East
respiratory syndrome, and SARS-CoV-2.11 12
Remdesivir, low-dose dexamethasone, convalescent
plasma, and other immunomodulatory therapies
have also been used to treat patients with
hyperinflammatory response.13 14 15 16 17 Regular clinical
assessment of patients with COVID-19, with regular
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or
biochemical testing, as well as radiological imaging,
allows for close monitoring and better prediction of
the patient’s progress and for guiding changes to the patient’s treatment. Adopting the immunoglobulin
G seroconversion has also facilitated patient’s
discharge when clinically deem fit.
Looking to the future, safe and effective
COVID-19 vaccines are required. At the time of
writing (24 March 2021), more than 80 different
vaccines are undergoing human clinical trials, and 13
have gained full approval or have been authorised for
emergency use.18 The Hong Kong SAR Government
has implemented a territory-wide programme
to offer COVID-19 vaccinations free of charge
for all Hong Kong residents. To ensure the safety
and efficacy of the vaccines, the Food and Health
Bureau and the Department of Health have set up
an Expert Advisory Panel to the Chief Executive.
The joint Scientific Committees on Emerging and
Zoonotic Diseases and Vaccine Preventable Diseases
also regularly review the scientific evidence and
relevant data on COVID-19 vaccines procured by
the Government, and provide recommendations
on the population groups to receive the COVID-19
vaccines. The Expert Committee on Clinical Events
Assessment Following COVID-19 Immunisation has
been established to provide independent assessment
of potential causal links between adverse events
following immunisation with any of the COVID-19
vaccines and to provide expert advice to the
Government on safety-related matters. The Hong
Kong SAR Government has currently procured
three different platforms of COVID-19 vaccine
from different vendors, including Comirnaty19
(mRNA vaccine), CoronaVac20 (inactivated whole
cell vaccine), and Oxford/AstraZeneca21 (ChAdOx1
adenovirus vector vaccine), which will provide
a wide choice of COVID-19 vaccines with good
safety and efficacy profiles from which Hong
Kong residents can choose. The Government is
also planning procurement of a fourth COVID-19
vaccine. With a low COVID-19 seroprevalence
among the population in Hong Kong, a high
COVID-19 vaccination rate will be important to
reach the satisfactory herd immunity level to allow
relaxation of infection control measures.22 Important
data including the long-term safety, clinical efficacy
and effectiveness, and neutralising antibody
protection against the new SARS-CoV-2 variants
(B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and P.1) will be essential to plan for
future vaccination programmes. The frequency of
COVID-19 vaccination will also depend on the rate
of emergence of these new variants.
The lessons learned from the SARS outbreak
in 2003 have helped to successfully limit the spread
of COVID-19 within Hong Kong. Nevertheless,
the global effort against the COVID-19 pandemic
will require cooperation among governments,
international organisations, research institutes,
scientists, clinicians, and most important of all,
individual citizens.
Author contributions
The author contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and takes responsibility for its
accuracy and integrity.
IFN Hung is a member of the Advisory Panel on COVID-19
Vaccines; and the co-convener of the Expert Committee
on Clinical Events Assessment Following COVID-19
Immunisation for the Hong Kong SAR Government.
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