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Primary care doctors and the control of COVID-19
Paul KM Poon *, FFPH, FHKAM (Community Medicine); Samuel YS Wong, FHKAM (Community Medicine), FHKAM (Family Medicine)
Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof Paul KM Poon (kwokmingpoon@cuhk.edu.hk)

In January 2021, Hong Kong marked the grim
anniversary of the first reported case of coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the territory.1 At the
time of writing, Hong Kong has recorded a total
of over 10 000 cases and a death toll of nearly 200,
against the backdrop of over 110 000 000 cases and
2 500 000 deaths worldwide.1 2 Non-pharmaceutical
interventions are capable of containing the pandemic3
with isolation of cases and quarantine of contacts
being the fundamental components. However,
pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission
of COVID-19 can undermine the effectiveness of
isolation and quarantine if these measures are not
coupled with rapid contact tracing and testing.4
In a recent review paper, it was found that
neither absence nor presence of signs or symptoms
of COVID-19 could accurately rule in or rule out the
disease but anosmia or ageusia may be regarded as a
red flag, and fever or cough is a sensitive indicator for
identifying patients who need testing.5 In this issue
of the Hong Kong Medical Journal, Leung et al6 report
the findings of a cross-sectional study conducted
using data collected from the first public temporary
test centre in Hong Kong at the AsiaWorld-Expo.
The authors found that although symptoms such as
cough, sore throat, and runny nose were reported in
86.0% of persons who tested positive for COVID-19,
these symptoms were non-specific and were also
reported in 96.3% of persons who tested negative.
The authors recommend that gatekeeping healthcare
providers stay vigilant in arranging early testing and
remain aware of both clinical and epidemiological
manifestations of COVID-19. Another study
conducted in Australia compared the efficiency and
sensitivity of different testing approaches in detecting
community transmission chains. The authors found
that testing of all patients with respiratory symptoms
in the community, in combination with thorough
contact tracing, was most effective.7
Primary care doctors are the gatekeepers of
our healthcare system, and the COVID-19 pandemic
has highlighted the important role of primary care
from the perspectives of infectious disease control
and surveillance in the community. In many
countries, primary care doctors are an integral part
of surveillance systems for infectious diseases such
as influenza.8 Similarly, well-trained primary care doctors are indispensable in the early identification
and isolation of COVID-19 cases, by contributing
to a successful surveillance system which can also
identify changes in transmission patterns and at-risk
population subgroups,9 as well as evaluate the
efficacy of public health control measures.10
The cost-effectiveness of different COVID-19
testing strategies depends on the transmission
scenario in the community, in addition to the cost
per test.11 Reimer et al12 recommend evidence-based
prioritisation of testing, where testing capacity and
resources are limited, in order to flatten epidemic
curves, lower values of effective reproduction
number, and ease the burden on hospitals and
intensive care units. Primary care doctors, being the
first access point of the healthcare system for most of
the general public, are in a prime position to practice
evidence-based testing of patients in the community
based on clinical assessments.
Primary care doctors are vital to the
unprecedented global vaccination campaign.
Healthcare workers are at a higher risk of
contracting COVID-19, and in a systematic
review, Bandyopadhyay et al13 found that general
practitioners were one of the specialties at the
highest risk of death from COVID-19. Healthcare
workers, including primary care doctors, are
recommended as a priority group for COVID-19
vaccination worldwide, including in Hong Kong14
where the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme was
launched in late February.
Primary care doctors are also at the forefront
of communicating with the community. Wong et al15
found that COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in
the Hong Kong community is not high (37.2%;
95% confidence interval=34.5%-39.9%) and perceived
severity, benefits of the vaccine, cues to action,
access barriers, and harms were among the factors
associated with acceptance. Studies from the H1N1
pandemic found that primary care doctors were
highly influential in H1N1 vaccine uptake16 and it is
reasonable to expect that this will also be the case
for COVID-19 vaccines. Primary care doctors will
require regular updates and accurate information
on the vaccines to communicate clearly with their
patients and public health authorities.17
A shortage of primary care professionals is associated with a higher death rate due to
COVID-19.18 Primary health care has a crucial role in
infectious disease epidemic management and well-integrated
primary care and public health systems
are vital for a cohesive response.19
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the editorial, approved the final version for publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy
and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
1. Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong SAR
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Available from: https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/local_situation_covid19_en.pdf. Accessed 1 Mar 2021.
2. World Health Organization. WHO coronavirus
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