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Measles outbreak at an international airport: a Hong
Kong perspective
KL Hon, MD, FAAP1,2; Alexander KC
Leung, FRCP(UK), FRCPCH3; Karen Leung, MRCPCH1;
Godfrey CF Chan, MD, FRCPCH1,4
1 Department of Paediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine, The Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, Kowloon Bay, Hong
2 Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
3 Department of Pediatrics, The
University of Calgary and The Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada
4 Department of Paediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KL Hon (ehon@hotmail.com)

Measles (rubeola) is a highly contagious childhood
vaccine-preventable disease caused by the measles virus.1 2 Complications
occur in 10% to 40% of affected patients, and treatment is mainly
symptomatic.1 3 4 5 6 In developed
countries, routine immunisation with measles-containing vaccine is
recommended with the first dose at age 12 to 15 months and the second dose
at age 4 to 6 years.7 8 In regions with high rates of measles transmission, the
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the first dose of
measles-containing vaccine be given at age 9 months and the second dose at
age 15 to 18 months.9 Studies have
shown that one dose of measles vaccine given at or after 1 year of age is
93% to 95% effective in protecting against measles whereas two doses given
at appropriate intervals is close to 100% effective.8 Measles vaccination given to susceptible contacts
within 72 hours of exposure is effective in preventing illness or
modifying the severity of the illness.9
Recently, outbreaks of measles have been reported
globally, especially in Asia.1 11 12
An outbreak in early 2019 at the Hong Kong International Airport also
created a public health concern, with wide national media coverage.13 Between March and mid-May 2019, 73 individuals were
identified to have been infected with measles, including 29 airport
In general, patients with measles after vaccine
failure were less ill than unvaccinated patients. Nevertheless, these
patients required the same amount of effort from public health workers in
tracing contacts.15 Of the 50
individuals infected with measles, six had two doses of measles
It is expected that the immune system of a small
percentage of individuals would not respond to the vaccine, resulting in
primary vaccine failure.15 For
those who were vaccinated but do not have sufficient antibodies, receiving
a third dose might help boost their immunity; however, there is little
scientific evidence to show how effective this third dose might be.15 Those who are worried might consider taking a blood
test for measles antibodies to decide whether another dose of measles
vaccine is necessary. Several issues have arisen with this airport
Issue 1: Protecting airport staff
It is likely that airport staff contract measles by
exposure to infected arriving tourists or aircrew.16 17
Individuals working at the airport typically had mild disease and did not
spread the disease to their co-workers or family members, indicating that
they are likely partly protected owing to prior vaccination.16 Infectivity is likely low, and these individuals need
only be quarantined. Re-vaccinate their family members and close contacts
may be unnecessary. It might be difficult, if not impossible, to identify
visiting tourists with measles if they are asymptomatic. It might be
unethical to quarantine asymptomatic arrivals even if they are from
epidemic cities, and it would be impractical to demand these visitors
provide evidence of measles vaccination. Aircrew members under age 52
years should be the first priority to receive booster measles
vaccinations. Measles-containing vaccine should be given to those
individuals who cannot readily provide evidence of immunity to measles as
post-exposure prophylaxis. Aircrew who are exposed to a known case of
measles but have no antibodies to measles should not be allowed to work,
even after receiving post-exposure prophylaxis with measles vaccine. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that medical staff
who have no antibodies to measles should not be allowed to work for 5 to
14 days after exposure to measles, even after receiving post-exposure
prophylaxis with measles vaccine.18
Issue 2: Prioritising vaccination
In Hong Kong, most people born between 1967 and
1978 and many born between 1979 and 1984 received only one dose of measles
vaccination. Those born before 1967 and after 1985 are supposed to be
protected, although full immunisation does not guarantee full protection.16 In the event of inadequate
immediate supply of vaccine for revaccination, it is reasonable to
prioritise measles immunisation to the at-risk group, namely, those born
between 1967 and 1978 and those working at the airport or in hospitals.
Drivers of public transport, taxis, and other transport become the next
category of individuals for consideration of vaccination if the supply of
vaccines remains inadequate. Other priority groups include those who were
born in high-risk regions, such as the Philippines, Malaysia, and other
places with inadequate vaccination policies, and those who have not
received two doses of measles vaccinations and have not been infected with
measles before.
Issue 3: Blood testing
Blood tests for measles antibodies take
approximately 1 week before the results are available to determine the
need to vaccinate.1 Initially,
there were insufficient stocks of measles vaccines to administer to all
vulnerable airport staff. The Department of Health provided the measles
serology test service to airport staff and a cumulative total of 777 blood
samples were collected.14
Issue 4: Severe paediatric complications
The risks of severe measles complications are very
low. Paediatric complications such as encephalitis occur once in a million
cases.1 6
19 However, amid the rise in
measles infections, the Hong Kong Department of Health announced a change
to existing measles vaccine policy so that children get their second dose
of measles vaccine at an earlier age.20
It is now recommended that children will receive the second dose of
measles vaccine at age 18 months instead of at age 6 years.
Issue 5: Infection control
Several infectious diseases have been a cause for
concern at Hong Kong International Airport, including SARS (severe acute
respiratory syndrome),21 MERS
(Middle East respiratory syndrome),22
Avian Influenza, and seasonal influenza.23
Ordinary surgical masks are not designed for airborne infection and it is
uncertain if aircrew and other staff wearing such masks plays any role in
the prevention of spread of measles and other airborne diseases.24 For infectious diseases including measles, although
infection control is an important gesture, universal immunisation is the
definitive management strategy.1 3 6
8 9
The rise of anti-vaccination material on social media has been connected
to the dramatic increase in cases of measles and various
vaccine-preventable communicable diseases.25
Healthcare workers should join efforts to promote immunisation as an
effective healthcare policy in infection control.26
Epidemics of infectious diseases raise many
dilemmas, such as the effectiveness of vaccination programmes, which
groups are most at risk, and how to prioritise further treatment or
vaccination. In Hong Kong, the measles outbreak at the airport has
resulted in an inadequate supply and stock of measles vaccines to meet
local demand; sufficient vaccine supply should be secured as soon as
possible. It is recommended to vaccinate first those aircrew who routinely
fly to outbreak regions, followed by all other airport staff, including
the shop assistants and janitors. Taxi drivers and drivers of public
transport, and staff at local hotels may be included in the second wave.
Fortunately, there have been no serious cases so far.
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the concept of study,
acquisition and analysis of data, drafting of the article, and critical
revision for important intellectual content. All authors had full access
to the data, contributed to the study, approved the final version for
publication, and take responsibility for its accuracy and integrity.
Conflicts of interest
As an editor of the journal, KL Hon was not
involved in the peer review process. Other authors have no conflicts of
interest to disclose.
This research received no specific grant from any
funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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