Kong Med J 2018 Aug;24(4):391–9 | Epub 30 Jul 2018
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj187310
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Palliative care: the need of the modern era
KS Chan, FRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital,
Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KS Chan (chanks@ha.org.hk)

There is a great need for palliative care
in the modern era of medicine. Despite medical advances, patients with
life-limiting illnesses still suffer significantly. Palliative care
emerged a half century ago as an ethos based on compassion and care for
patients and their families to relieve their suffering. It entails a
paradigm shift from the biomedical model to the biopsychospiritual
model. Palliative care is recognised by the World Health Organization as
an essential part of the continuum of universal health coverage. In
2014, the World Health Assembly approved a resolution on “Strengthening
of palliative care as a component of comprehensive care throughout the
life course”. Despite Hong Kong’s relatively good local palliative care
service coverage for patients who died of cancer and end-stage renal
failure, service gaps for palliative care do exist among our ageing
population with non-malignant life-limiting illnesses. We strongly urge
the Hong Kong Government to develop our local palliative care policy in
response to the World Health Assembly’s resolution. Growing
international and local evidence demonstrates the impacts of palliative
care on patient outcomes, caregivers, and health care. Such outcomes can
be service-based, disease-based, or symptom/suffering-based. The goal of
palliative care is to relieve health-related suffering. Evidence-based
management of pain, breathlessness, and psychospiritual suffering are
discussed. Care in the end-of-life phase should be an integral part of
palliative care, promoting patient choice, advance care planning, and
good death.
The need for palliative care
Doctors commonly encounter patients who experience
distress and suffering. New medical technologies bring new hope for cures
but do not always alleviate the distress of patients with life-limiting
illnesses. A systematic review of 38 studies that included 1.2 million
older subjects in 10 countries showed that an average of 33% to 38% of
patients received non-beneficial treatments in the final 6 months of life.1 In this unprecedented era of
“personalised medicine,” health care has become increasingly
depersonalised. Nobel Prize laureate Dr Bernard Lown succinctly declared
that “Science contributes to abandoning healing”.2
The Cartesian dualism of body and mind has profoundly influenced the
development of modern medicine, which is predominantly rooted in the
biomedical model.2 The modern
hospice care movement was advanced a half century ago by Dame Cicely
Saunders as an ethos based on compassion and care for patients and their
families to relieve their suffering. It entails a paradigm shift from the
biomedical model to the biopsychospiritual model, from a disease-centred
approach to person-centred care, and from prolongation of survival to
enhancement of the journey’s meaningfulness. Palliative care has evolved
from hospice care and moved upstream from the end-of-life (EOL) phase to
earlier stages of illnesses.3
Palliative medicine was established as an independent subspecialty by the
Hong Kong College of Physicians and the Hong Kong College of Radiologists
in 1998 and 2002, respectively. The year 2017 marked the 35th anniversary
of hospice palliative care services in Hong Kong.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of
patients (adults and children) and their families facing the problems
associated with life-threatening illness through the prevention and relief
of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment
and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial, or
spiritual”. Subsequently, its scope was clarified to explain its
comprehensiveness, including: (1) no prognostic limitation on palliative
care; and (2) the need for palliative care to address both chronic and
life-threatening/limiting illness.4
5 Palliative care is recognised by
the WHO as an essential component of the continuum of universal health
coverage, which includes promotion, prevention, cure, rehabilitation, and
palliation.5 It should be delivered
as an integrated approach with concurrent curative or disease-modifying
treatment.5 Palliative care should
be provided at three levels according to patient needs: (1) a “palliative
care approach” adopted by all health care professionals; (2) “general
palliative care” provided by primary care professionals; and (3)
“specialist palliative care” provided by a specialised palliative care
team for patients with complex problems.4
The WHO estimated that out of 40 million patients
at the EOL who need palliative care, only about 14% currently receive it.4 In 2014, the World Health Assembly
(WHA) approved resolution WHA 67.19 on “strengthening of palliative care
as a component of comprehensive care throughout the life course”.6 Its top recommendation for member states is to develop,
strengthen, and implement palliative care policies in the continuum of
care, across all levels, where appropriate.6
In 2017, the Hospital Authority released the “Strategic Service Framework
for Palliative Care”.7
Nevertheless, the Hong Kong Government is strongly urged to develop a
local palliative care policy in response to the WHA resolution.
In the US, there has been rapid growth of
palliative care to improve the quality of dying. In 2000, only 25% of US
hospitals with more than 50 beds had a palliative care team, whereas in
2015, 75% of such hospitals offered a palliative care programme.8 In Hong Kong, around 68% of patients who died of cancer
under the Hospital Authority in 2012 to 2013 received palliative care.7 Since 2010, palliative care has also been
systematically extended to patients with advanced non-cancer diseases in
Hong Kong. These predominantly include patients with end-stage renal
failure, advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart
failure, and neurodegenerative conditions such as motor neuron disease. In
2015, a cohort review performed by the Central Committee on Palliative
Care of the Hospital Authority indicated that 44% of patients who died
from end-stage renal failure had received palliative care.7 However, service gaps for palliative care exist among
patients with many non-malignant life-limiting illnesses, especially with
the ageing of the local population.7
A collaborative approach between palliative care teams and specialist
teams is becoming an established model of care for patients entering the
palliative care phase of chronic illnesses.7
Palliative care improves health outcomes
There is growing evidence that shows the impacts of
palliative care on patient outcomes, caregivers, and health care, which
can be service-based, disease-based, or symptom/suffering-based.
A recent systematic review reported the association
between palliative care and the outcomes of patients with life-limiting
illness and their caregivers.9 A
total of 43 investigated randomised controlled trials (RCTs) included 12
731 patients and 2479 caregivers. Among these trials, 14 (32.5%) were in
ambulatory settings, 18 (41.8%) were home-based, and 11 (25.6%) were
hospital-based. A meta-analysis showed that palliative care was associated
with statistically and clinically significant improvements in patients’
quality of life (QOL) (standardised mean difference [SMD]=0.46; 95%
confidence intervals [CI]=0.08-0.83) and symptom burden (SMD=−0.66; 95%
CI= −1.25 to −0.07) at 1-to-3-month follow-up. 9 There was no association
between palliative care and survival (hazard ratio=0.90; 95%
CI=0.69-1.17). Palliative care was consistently associated with
improvements in advance care planning, patient and caregiver satisfaction,
and lower health care utilisation.9
Early palliative care delivered within 12 weeks of
diagnosis of incurable cancers10
is a recent service model for patients with advanced cancer. A Cochrane
review10 on early palliative care
for adults with advanced cancer reported on seven RCTs with 1614
participants. Compared with usual/standard cancer care alone, early
palliative care significantly improved health-related QOL with a small
effect size (SMD=0.27; 95% CI=0.15-0.38), and there was a small but
significant effect of lower symptom intensity (SMD= −0.23; 95% CI= −0.35
to −0.10). A meta-analysis of four studies did not indicate differences in
survival (death hazard ratio=0.85; 95% CI=0.56-1.28).10
Home care is an important component of care at
advanced stages of illness. A Cochrane review evaluated 23 studies
including 16 RCTs on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home
palliative care services for adults with advanced illness and their
caregivers.11 A meta-analysis
showed that home palliative care increased the odds of dying at home (odds
ratio [OR]=2.21; 95% CI=1.31-3.71).11
Narrative synthesis showed evidence of small but statistically significant
beneficial effects of home palliative care services compared with usual
care: reduction of symptom burden for patients and no effect on caregiver
grief. The evidence on cost-effectiveness was inconclusive.11
A review of the economic impact of in-patient
palliative care, which included nine observational studies and one RCT
from the US, has also been published.12
Each of the studies demonstrated a clear cost-saving impact of in-patient
consultation programmes (range of cost savings: 5%-32% compared with usual
The outcomes of palliative care services in Hong
Kong have also been reported. Two instruments assessing the QOL of local
Chinese patients at the EOL were validated and applied locally: the McGill
Quality of Life Questionnaire–Hong Kong13
and the Quality of Life Concerns in the End of Life Questionnaire
The impacts of palliative care on cancer deaths in
four Hong Kong hospitals have also been reported.15
Palliative care was administered in two thirds of 494 cancer deaths, and
half died in a palliative care setting. A total of 247 patients received
palliative care service and died in palliative care units (PCS-PCD group),
86 received palliative care but died in non-palliative care wards, and 161
never received palliative care and died in non-palliative care wards.
During the last 6 months of life, patients in the PCS-PCD group had less
admission to acute care wards, shorter duration of stay in acute care
wards, and less admission to intensive care units. Within the last 2 weeks
of life, the PCS-PCD group had fewer interventions initiated; a higher
frequency of symptoms documented in patients’ records; and a higher
likelihood of receiving analgesics, adjuvant analgesics, and sedatives.15
An RCT was conducted in Hong Kong on home-based
transitional palliative care for patients with end-stage heart failure
after hospital discharge.16 The
interventions consisted of weekly palliative home visits/telephone calls
in the first 4 weeks, then monthly follow-up provided by a nurse case
manager supported by a multidisciplinary palliative team. The intervention
group (n=43) had a significantly lower readmission rate and mean number of
readmissions than the control group (n=41) at 12 weeks. The intervention
group experienced significantly greater clinical improvement in
depression, dyspnoea, and total Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale score
than the control group did at 4 weeks.16
Fewer studies have reported palliative care
outcomes in patients with non-cancer illnesses than in those with cancer.
A recent review reported positive outcomes of various troublesome symptoms
for people with COPD.17 A recent
meta-analysis of three studies of heart failure patients found that
home-based palliative care consultations reduce the risk of
re-hospitalisation by 42% (relative risk=0.58; 95% Cl=0.44-0.77).18
A study in Hong Kong explored the symptom burden
and QOL of patients with end-stage renal disease who received chronic
dialysis or palliative care.19
There was significant impairment of QOL in the palliative care and
dialysis groups. The authors concluded that patients with end-stage renal
disease who received palliative care and dialysis had overlapping symptom
prevalence and intensity, significant symptom burden, and impaired QOL.19
Relief of suffering as the goal of palliative care
Pain has been routinely addressed in modern
medicine, but suffering has not. The global burden of serious
health-related suffering (SHS) from 20 life-threatening diseases was
estimated for the first time by the Lancet Commission on Global Access to
Palliative Care and Pain Relief.20
In 2015, an estimated 25.5 million people died with SHS, and 35.5 million
people who did not die also experienced SHS.20
The Commission stated that alleviating SHS is imperative for global health
and equity and that palliative care should focus on relieving SHS
associated with life-limiting conditions or at the EOL.20
“Total pain” was described by Dame Cicely Saunders
to illustrate suffering that encompasses all of a person’s physical,
psychological, social, and spiritual struggles. Closely related to total
pain are the concepts of “distress” and “suffering”. Suffering was defined
by Eric Cassel as “the state of severe distress associated with events
that threaten the intactness of person”.21
Suffering is personal and individual and can only be communicated by
empathetic listening.21
All domains of patient suffering, including
physical, psychosocial, and spiritual distress, should be assessed and
addressed. Communication with the patient is important, especially about
pain in relation to disease progression and side-effects of drugs. The
National Australian Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration analysed 19 747
patients who showed significant improvements of palliative care outcomes
across all domains of symptom control, family care, and psychological and
spiritual care, except pain.22
Pain, breathlessness, and depression are prevalent and distressing EOL
experiences for patients and families and will be reviewed below.
Evidence-based pain management
The second edition of the WHO Guideline on Cancer
Pain Relief, issued in 1996, remains the most widely used pain guideline
based on expert opinion instead of evidence-based review. Its purpose is
to facilitate and legitimise the use of “strong” opioids in regions where
these medications are illegal. The greatest barrier against pain control
worldwide is opioid availability.20
Cancer pain guidelines based on evidence have been
published.23 24 Despite the wide use of paracetamol for cancer pain,
the evidence supporting its use in combination with step III25 or step II/III26
opioids is weak. A Cochrane review on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs in 2017 concluded there is no high-quality evidence to support or
refute the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alone or in
combination with opioids in the WHO analgesic ladder’s three steps.27 There is low-quality evidence that some people (26%
and 51%) with moderate or severe cancer pain can obtain substantial
benefits within 1 or 2 weeks.27
There is evidence supporting the use of codeine,28 but there is only weak evidence
supporting the use of tramadol for cancer pain. A Cochrane review on
tramadol with or without paracetamol for cancer pain in 201729 mentioned limited, low-quality evidence from RCTs
that tramadol relieved cancer pain. The authors concluded that its role in
step II of the WHO analgesic ladder is unclear.29
Some national cancer pain guidelines prefer the use of codeine over
tramadol as a choice of weak opioids.23
A systematic review by Caraceni et al30 suggested that oral morphine, hydromorphone,
oxycodone, and methadone offer similar pain relief with similar patterns
of side-effects. The choice among these drugs can be influenced by
availability, cost, and other local considerations.30 Transdermal fentanyl may be associated with less
constipation and good patient compliance but may not be a first choice in
opioid-naïve patients.30 A 2017
Cochrane systemic review on oxycodone confirmed that oxycodone offers
similar levels of pain relief and overall adverse events to other opioids,
including morphine.31
The analgesic effects of opioids are affected by
genetic variation: for example, variations in μ-opioid receptor gene OPRM1,
catechol-O-methyltransferase, and opioid transporter ABCB1 are associated
with variation of analgesic response to morphine, and genetic variation of
CYP2D6 is associated with different responses to codeine and tramadol.32 In the future, pharmacogenomics will guide
personalised medicine selection in pain control.
Based on Bennett’s review,33
amitriptyline and gabapentin are recommended by the European Association
for Palliative Care24 for patients
with neuropathic cancer pain that is only partially responsive to opioid
analgesia. However, the review concluded that adjuvant antidepressants and
anti-epileptics were unlikely to reduce pain of intensity greater than 1
out of 10 on a numerical rating scale but were likely to increase the
frequency of adverse events.33 A
recent review by Kane et al included seven RCTs and a meta-analysis of
four RCTs comparing opioids in combination with either gabapentin or
pregabalin with opioid monotherapy for cancer pain. There was no
significant difference in pain relief between the groups (SMD=0.16; 95%
CI= −0.19 to 0.51).34
Bisphosphonates and denosumab are well-established
therapies to reduce the frequency and severity of skeletal-related events
in patients with bone metastasis. A recent systematic review reported that
22 of 28 placebo-controlled trials (79%) found no analgesic benefit of
bisphosphonates, and none of the investigated denosumab studies found the
drug to be associated with direct pain relief.35
Evidence-based management of breathlessness
Breathlessness has been described as an invisible
form of suffering. Dyspnoea is an important factor that predicts will to
live in terminally ill patients while approaching death. Assessment of the
underlying causes and impact of breathlessness is of paramount importance.
Addressing cancer- or non-cancer–related breathlessness follows a
tripartite approach that includes disease management, non-pharmacological
management, and pharmacological management.
Non-pharmacological management of breathlessness
consists of single-component and complex interventions. Strong evidence
indicates that neuroelectric muscle stimulation and chest wall vibration
can relieve breathlessness, and there is moderately strong evidence
supporting the use of walking aids and breathing training.36 An RCT study indicated that airflow delivered to the
face by a handheld fan was an effective and simple means to alleviate
breathlessness.37 To investigate
complex interventions, Farquhar et al38
reported an RCT involving 67 patients with cancer who received either a
home-based multidisciplinary non-pharmacological Breathlessness
Intervention Service (BIS) or usual care. The results showed that BIS
reduced patient distress due to breathlessness (−1.29; 95% CI= −2.57 to
−0.005; P=0.049), and was associated with a 66% likelihood of better
outcomes in terms of reduced distress due to breathlessness at lower
health/social care costs than standard care.38 Higginson et al39 reported an RCT involving 105 patients with mixed
advanced disease who received either usual care or Breathlessness Support
Service (BSS), which is an out-patient and home-based multiprofessional
integrated service that combines respiratory therapy, physiotherapy,
occupational therapy, and palliative care. The results showed that BSS
improved mastery (mean difference: 0.58; 95% CI=0.01-1.15, P=0.048; effect
size: 0.44) compared with usual care, and the BSS group had improved
survival at 6 months compared with the control group.39 In Hong Kong, a multidisciplinary “SOB program” was
launched in a cancer palliative care service, leading to improvement in
breathlessness scores.40
Regarding the use of supplemental oxygen, dyspnoea
in terminally ill patients is not significantly correlated with the degree
of hypoxaemia.41 For
non-hypoxaemic, breathless patients with cancer and mixed diagnosis,
meta-analysis42 and an RCT43 did not show that supplemental palliative oxygen was
superior to air; thus, there is no evidence to support its routine use.
The largest RCT to date of long-term home oxygen therapy for patients with
chronic heart failure was reported by Clark et al.44 As only 11% of patients reported that they used the
oxygen for the full 15 hours daily, the trial was stopped early. There was
no evidence that home oxygen improved patients’ QOL, symptoms, or any
other measurement of severity of heart failure, and there was only a
non-significant small improvement in survival with oxygen.44
The primary pharmacological treatment of
breathlessness is the use of systemic opioids. A Cochrane review on
opioids for palliation of refractory breathlessness recruited 26 studies
of patients with advanced disease and terminal illness.45 The meta-analysis demonstrated a small effect of
treatment on breathlessness (change from baseline in 7 studies: SMD=
−0.09, 95% CI= −0.36 to 0.19; P=0.54; post-treatment score in 11 studies:
SMD= −0.28, 95% CI= −0.50 to −0.05; P=0.02).45
The authors concluded that there is low-quality evidence illustrating
benefits of oral or parenteral opioids to palliate breathlessness.45 However, this review has been challenged for its
inappropriate method of statistical analysis (ie, using a fixed effect
model for crossover designs).46
When this review’s data were re-analysed using a random effects model that
accounted for crossover data, opioids decreased breathlessness (SMD=
−0.32; 95% CI= −0.47 to −0.18; P<0.001) compared with placebo,
consistent with the findings of earlier studies.46
Moreover, a recent systematic review on COPD showed similar positive
effects of opioids on breathlessness.47
The results showed that breathlessness was reduced by systemic opioids
(SMD= −0.34, 95% CI= −0.58 to −0.10, moderate-quality evidence) and less
consistently by nebulised opioids (SMD= −0.39, 95% CI= −0.07 to 0.71,
low-quality evidence), and opioids did not affect exercise capacity.47
Regarding the use of benzodiazepines for relief of
breathlessness in advanced diseases, a 2016 Cochrane review concluded that
there is no evidence for or against benzodiazepines’ effectiveness for
relief of breathlessness in people with advanced cancer and COPD.
Benzodiazepines may be considered as a second- or third-line treatment
when opioids and non-pharmacological measures have failed to control
Addressing psychospiritual suffering
Psychospiritual suffering can present as mood
disturbances expressed verbally or through body language or behaviour,
wishes to hasten death, or suboptimal pain control.49 Suffering can be perceived as an intrapersonal
process consisting of an irrevocable past, unbearable present, and
incomprehensible future with the source of suffering embedded within loss
that threatens the sufferer’s sense of self.50
It involves common elements such as loss of meaning, hope, and
relationships and other associated losses.49
A systematic review showed that meaning in life and sense of coherence
were significantly negatively associated with distress in patients with
cancer.51 The challenge of
diagnosing psycho-spiritual distress for patients with life-limiting
illness will be differentiation between normal grief, adjustment
disorders, anxiety, depression, and demoralisation syndrome. Grief should
be distinguished from depression.52
Demoralisation presents symptoms of hopelessness and helplessness caused
by a loss of purpose and meaning in life, with loss of anticipatory
pleasure rather than loss of pleasure in the present moment and general
anhedonia, as in depresson.53 A
systematic review showed that demoralisation syndrome is clinically
significant in 13% to 18% of patients with progressive disease or cancer53 and that up to 25% of patients
with high demoralisation do not have clinical depression.53
Various modalities of psychotherapeutic
interventions54 and
antidepressants have been shown to be efficacious for depression in
palliative care.55 An RCT
investigating Individual Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy56 and Group Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy57 in patients with advanced cancer demonstrated
significantly greater improvement of spiritual well-being, QOL, and
symptom burden compared with the control group. An RCT investigating a
meaning of life intervention in Hong Kong showed significant improvements
in the existential distress subscale, the total score, and the single-item
global QOL scale of the QOLC-E.58
Moreover, studies of dignity and EOL care have shown a strong association
between undermining of dignity and depression, anxiety, desire for death,
hopelessness, the feeling of being a burden on others, and overall poorer
QOL.59 On the basis of Chochinov’s
empirically based dignity model, patients were offered the opportunity to
address the issues that mattered most to them as death drew near to
decrease suffering, enhance QOL, and provide a sense of meaning and
dignity.60 Two Dignity Therapy
RCTs have been conducted on patients with high levels of baseline
psychological distress. One showed statistically significant decreases in
patients’ anxiety and depression scores measured at 4, 15, and 30 days
compared with baseline scores. The other RCT comparing measurements
pre–post-Dignity Therapy showed a statistically significant decrease in
anxiety scores but not depression.60
Palliative and end-of-life care
There is no unified international definition of the
term EOL, and it may have different meanings in different places. In the
United Kingdom and Australia, EOL care includes people who are likely to
die within 12 months and people whose death is imminent, either from
advanced, progressive, incurable conditions or life-threatening acute
conditions. It also covers support for their families and caregivers and
care provided by health and social care staff in all settings.61 Care at the EOL is thus an integral part of
palliative care. There is no standardised definition of EOL In Hong Kong,
so the term should be defined whenever it is used. No matter which
definition is adopted, a person’s choice should determine the contents of
person-centred care. A survey on “What choices are important to me at the
EOL and after my death?” performed in the United Kingdom highlighted the
following seven key themes62:
• I want to be cared for and die in a place of my choice
• I want involvement in and control over decisions about my care
• I want the right people to know my wishes at the right time
• I want access to high-quality care given by welltrained staff
• I want access to the right services when I need them
• I want support for my physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs
• I want the people who are important to me to be supported and involved in my care
• I want to be cared for and die in a place of my choice
• I want involvement in and control over decisions about my care
• I want the right people to know my wishes at the right time
• I want access to high-quality care given by welltrained staff
• I want access to the right services when I need them
• I want support for my physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs
• I want the people who are important to me to be supported and involved in my care
A survey on EOL care options in the community in
Hong Kong was conducted in 2011. The results of 1015 completed
questionnaires showed that about 90% of respondents were willing to
discuss EOL issues with family members and health care professionals,63 and over 30% of them had actually discussed these
issues with family and health care professionals. The five most important
attributes of a “good death” were: (1) no acute suffering at the moment of
death (89.3%), (2) difficult symptoms under control (83.6%), (3)
recognising one’s disease and prognosis (82.6%), (4) not being a burden to
family members (81.0%), and (5) feeling satisfied with one’s life (80.1%).63
Advance care planning is critical for the
achievement of patients’ EOL goals. Advance care planning enables
individuals to define goals and preferences regarding future medical
treatment and care when a person is mentally competent, to discuss these
goals and preferences with family and health care providers, and to record
and review these preferences if appropriate.64
A systematic review and meta-analysis showed that advance care planning
interventions increase the frequency of completion of advance directives
(OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.00-5.32; P<0.001), discussions about advance care
planning (OR=2.82, 95% CI=2.09-3.79; P<0.001), and concordance between
preferences for care and delivered care (OR=4.66, 95% CI=1.20-18.08;
P=0.03).65 In Hong Kong, advance
directives were promoted under the existing common law framework instead
of by legislation.66 The Hospital
Authority of Hong Kong issued the Guidance for HA Clinicians on
Advance Directives in Adults in 2010 and revised it in 2014.66 With an increasing number of patients with advanced
irreversible illnesses staying at home or in residential care homes, the
Hospital Authority updated and extended the Guidelines on
Do-Not-Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to seriously ill
non-hospitalised patients (2014/2016).66
A population-based telephone survey of 1067 adults in Hong Kong showed
85.7% of participants had not heard of advance directives, but that 60.9%
would prefer to make their own advance directives if legislation
facilitated it.67 In terms of
life-sustaining treatments, 87.6% preferred to receive appropriate
palliative care rather than prolong life if diagnosed with a terminal
illness, whereas 31.2% of the participants would choose to die at home.67 However, a survey performed
among palliative patients revealed that only 13.8% wished to die at home.68 Despite the large amount of work
needed to align the legal and logistics issues, care at the EOL for older
people in residential care homes has been initiated through collaboration
between geriatric outreach teams and palliative care teams.69
There is a great need for palliative care both
globally and locally in the current era of medicine. The paradigm shift in
medicine generated by palliative care alleviates patient suffering and is
supported by both science and art.
Author contributions
The author made substantial contributions to the
concept or design, acquisition of data, analysis or interpretation of
data, drafting of the article, and critical revision for important
intellectual content.
This research received no specific grant from any
funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
The author has disclosed no conflicts of interest.
The author had full access to the data, contributed to the study, approved
the final version for publication, and takes responsibility for its
accuracy and integrity.
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