DOI: 10.12809/hkmj175064
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Challenges in prenatal screening and counselling for fragile X syndrome
Annisa SL Mak, MRCOG, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology);
KY Leung, MD, FHKAM (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr KY Leung (

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most frequent cause
of intellectual disability after Down syndrome. It is
caused by the expansion of an unstable cysteine-guanine-guanine (CGG) trinucleotide repeat on
the 5’ untranslated region of the fragile X mental
retardation-1 (FMR1) gene. In full mutation (FM),
the expansion is >200 CGG repeats with aberrant
methylation of the promoter region causing
loss of the gene expression. Affected individuals
display a spectrum of neurological, psychiatric,
and developmental problems, as well as abnormal
ophthalmological and facial features.
Fragile X syndrome is an X-linked, dominant
disorder. Although all males with a FM have FXS,
only half of the females with a FM are clinically
affected because of X-chromosome inactivation. The
inheritance pattern of FXS is distinctive because a
healthy woman who carries a pre-mutation (PM) or
a mild expansion of 55-200 CGG repeats can pass
on a FM to a child through mitotic expansion of the
unstable PM allele. In Cheng et al’s article,1 two PM
carriers (1 in 1325) and one FM carrier (1 in 2650)
were detected in a sample of 2650 Hong Kong Chinese
pregnant women. In Chinese children with unknown
intellectual developmental disorder, the prevalence of
FXS has been reported to be 0.93%.2 It would appear
that FXS is not rare in the Chinese population.
Prenatal screening
To predict the birth of a FXS-affected children,
PM carriers can be identified through screening.
According to the American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG), prenatal screening and
genetic counselling for FXS should be offered to
women with a family or personal history of FXS,
unexplained mental retardation or developmental
delay, or premature ovarian insufficiency.3 The
Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of
Canada also suggest that fragile X testing is indicated
in a woman who has at least one male relative with
autism, mental retardation, or developmental delay
of an unknown aetiology within a three-generation
pedigree.4 Such screening should also be offered to
all women who request it after appropriate genetic
counselling.3 It is controversial, however, to offer
universal screening to all pregnant women. In Hong
Kong, this screening is self-financed.
Conventionally, analysis of maternal blood
samples by Southern blot is performed to identify
PM carriers. Recently, polymerase chain reaction
(PCR)–based approaches have enabled more
rapid and easy testing, and can be relied upon
to characterise CGG repeat size. Nonetheless,
amplification of large CG-rich fragments and the
study of the methylation pattern can be difficult.
Cheng’s team used a specific FMR1 PCR-based
assay that could detect CGG repeat numbers up to
1000, allowing the identification of PM and FM.1 The
sensitivity of this PCR test was reported to be high
(99%) and the false-positive rate was approximately
1.3% although this was probably overestimated.1
The cost of the test is US$44, which is not high.1
Genetic counselling
Although obtaining a maternal blood test for
FXS carrier screening is relatively simple, genetic
counselling is not, as rightly pointed out by Cheng
et al.1 In their study, pre-test counselling was given
by a research assistant with a bachelor’s and master’s
degree in human genetics, supplemented by written
information.1 Pre-test counselling for FXS is more
difficult than for Down syndrome screening. First,
an extensive multigenerational family history must
be taken to assess whether FXS, developmental,
neurodegenerative, or reproductive disability is
present in the mother or any of her family members.
Taking such a history is not easy because most
patients are not familiar with FXS, and typical
phenotypic features of FXS often are not apparent
until later childhood.5
Second, the inheritance pattern of FXS is
complex. Women should be informed about the
various outcomes possible and the implications of
detecting FM, PM, and intermediate-sized allele
(ie 45-54 CGG repeats) results. Prenatal diagnosis
should be offered to all pregnant women who are
FM or PM carriers.6 For a female PM carrier, the risk
of expanding to a FM in offspring is dependent on
the size of the PM, and is above 98% for alleles with
>100 repeats.7 For PM carriers with <69 repeats,
the number of AGG (adenine-guanine-guanine) interruptions within the CGG
repeat tract (eg occurrence of one AGG interruption
after nine uninterrupted CGG repeats is described
as: [(CGG)9AGG(CGG)9AGG(CGG)9]) may
predict the risk.8 The latter risk is higher when there
is a positive family history of FXS.
The prevalence of intermediate-sized allele
carriers was shown to be 1.1% in a local study.1 It is
difficult to counsel these carriers because the risk
for CGG expansion, although very low, is uncertain.
Thus, prenatal diagnosis may be offered on a case-by-case basis. Expansion of an intermediate-sized
allele into FM may occur in two generations. The
European Molecular Genetics Quality Network
recommends genetic counselling be offered to family
members of intermediate carriers with 50-54 CGG
repeats because they may carry a PM.9
Prenatal diagnosis can be achieved by
determination of CGG expansion and methylation
status using a combination of PCR and Southern blot
analysis on a sample from chorionic villus sampling
(CVS) or amniocentesis. Methylation results from
CVS must be interpreted with caution because
methylation of a FM is not always present before
14 weeks of gestation,10 and the FMR1 gene is not
methylated on the inactive X chromosome in a female
fetus. A follow-up amniocentesis may be required if
(a) determination of the methylation status is required
to differentiate a large PM from a small FM, or (b)
exclusion of somatic mosaicism with FM is required
in PM. In all cases, maternal contamination should be
excluded, and the gender of the fetus determined to
interpret the results of the mutation study.
If a female FM carrier fetus is identified
through prenatal diagnosis, there is no way to
tell whether the fetus is affected by FXS. Their
parents will face uncertainty and anxiety about the
resulting phenotype, and have a difficult choice
to make. Termination of such pregnancy was
reported previously and in the study by Cheng et
al.1 On the contrary, in the same study, a woman
with PM declined prenatal diagnosis owing to the
unpredictable phenotype in a FM female.1
Pre-mutation carriers are at risk of developing
fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia syndrome
(FXTAS) and fragile X–associated primary ovarian
insufficiency (FXPOI). Onset of FXTAS is typically
in the sixth decade of life, and older males are at high
risk.11 Approximately 20% of female PM carriers
may suffer from early menopause below the age
of 40 years,12 and thus appropriate reproductive
interventions should be informed.
Sufficient time should be allowed for women to
review and consider the information given, including
the complex inheritance pattern and implications of
FXS. Women generally know little about FXS prior to
counselling. Adequate psychosocial support should
be given to the mutation carriers who may become
anxious when they know the uncertain inheritance
risk of expansion from PM to FM, the uncertain
phenotype of a female FM carrier, or the future risks
of FXPOI and FXTAS. Family dynamics must also
be considered. Although screening for FXS should
be offered to other at-risk family members, such
extended or cascade screening may be declined as in
Cheng et al’s study.1
In summary, ACOG recommends offering
prenatal screening and genetic counselling for FXS to
all at-risk women.3 Risk factors can be identified by
taking an extensive multigenerational family history
although this may be difficult. The provision of
appropriate counselling is a challenge in view of the
time and knowledge required to discuss the screening
process, the complex inheritance pattern and
heterogeneous phenotype of FXS, and its potential
impact on psychosocial status and family members.
Providing medical education to obstetricians,
midwives and genetic counsellors, and targeted
education materials to pregnant women may help.13
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