DOI: 10.12809/hkmj164848
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Tobacco control policy in Hong Kong
Jeff PM Lee, FHKCCM, FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Tobacco Control Office, Department of Health, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr Jeff PM Lee (

Present policy
Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease that is
responsible for over 6900 deaths a year in Hong
Kong1 and nearly 6 million deaths a year worldwide.
It is also the single most important preventable risk
factor responsible for death and chronic disease,
including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The
harm of smoking, including exposure to second-hand
smoke, is well-established by scientific research
and well-recognised by the community both locally
and internationally. The Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (FCTC) of the World Health
Organization (WHO) represents the international
efforts to address tobacco dependence as a public
health epidemic. China is a signatory of and has
ratified FCTC, the application of which has been
extended to Hong Kong since 2006.
The Hong Kong SAR Government’s tobacco
control policy seeks to safeguard public health by
discouraging smoking, containing the proliferation
of tobacco use and minimising the impact of
passive smoking on the public. Our multipronged
approach—comprising legislation and enforcement,
taxation, publicity and education, as well as smoking
cessation services—has gradually reduced the
smoking prevalence from 23.3% in early 1982 to
10.5% in 2015.2
Legislation and enforcement
The Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance stipulates
statutory no-smoking areas and regulates the
advertisement, promotion, packaging, and labelling
of tobacco products. Smoking is banned in all indoor
areas of workplaces and public places, including
restaurants and bars, as well as certain outdoor
areas, including open areas of schools, leisure
facilities, bathing beaches, and public transport
facilities. Persons who smoke or carry a lighted
cigarette, cigar, or pipe in statutory no-smoking
areas or on public transport are liable to a fixed
penalty of HK$1500 under the Fixed Penalty (Smoking
Offences) Ordinance. Advertising and promoting
tobacco products is prohibited in Hong Kong. As a
principal enforcement agency under the Ordinance,
the Department of Health (DH) Tobacco Control
Office (TCO) conducted over 27 000 inspections and
issued 7500 fixed penalty notices/summonses for
smoking offences in 2015.
Further legislative measures
To further strengthen our tobacco control efforts,
we are working on the following three key legislative
proposals taking into account overseas experience
and in response to new developments in the tobacco
First, since 2010, the smoking ban has been
extended to over 200 public transport facilities.
There have been suggestions to designate more
transport facilities as no-smoking areas to further
protect the public from secondhand smoke exposure.
As a first step, we propose to extend the statutory
no-smoking areas to include bus interchange (BI)
facilities located at the eight tunnel portal areas to
protect the public while waiting at these BIs—the
relevant legislation has been passed in January and
should be enacted on 31 March 2016. We will keep
this initiative under review and consider further
extension of no-smoking areas.
Second, pictorial health warnings have
appeared on tobacco products since 2007. To further
enhance their effectiveness as a deterrent and
educate smokers about the health risks associated
with smoking, the Government proposed to enlarge
pictorial health warnings from at least 50% to 85%
of the pack size, increase the number of forms of
health warning from six to 12, and display details of
Third, overseas reports reveal that electronic
cigarettes (e-cigarette) are becoming increasingly
popular, particularly among children and
adolescents.3 4 5 6 E-cigarettes have been shown to
contain respiratory irritants and even carcinogenic
substances. Apart from health effects, the WHO has
also expressed concerns about the “gateway” and
“renormalisation” effects that have the potential to
significantly undermine our tobacco control efforts.
The scientific evidence to support the effectiveness
of the e-cigarette as a cessation tool is limited and
inconclusive so far. Given the potential impact of
the use of e-cigarettes on tobacco control efforts,
especially for the young population, the Government
proposes to strengthen the existing legislative
framework and prohibit their import, manufacture,
sale, distribution, and advertising, before they
become prevalent and harm human health. In the
meantime, we will increase publicity and public
education, by making use of mass media channels
and working with relevant stakeholders including
schools and health care professionals, to publicise
the potential harm of e-cigarettes.
Tobacco duty
Tobacco duty rate was last increased by 11.72% in
2014, so that duty constituted 70% of the retail price
of cigarettes. The Government will monitor closely
changes in cigarette retail prices and the overall
smoking situation in Hong Kong and review the
tobacco duty rate regularly.
Smoking cessation services
Nicotine is addictive. While the above legislative and
taxation measures serve as incentives to quit, smokers
require adequate support to do so successfully. The
Government holds the view that smoking cessation
is an integral and indispensable part of its tobacco
control policy to complement other tobacco control
measures. The TCO operates an integrated Smoking
Cessation Hotline (Quitline: 1833 183) to provide
general professional counselling and information on
smoking cessation, and arrange referrals to various
smoking cessation services in Hong Kong.
At present, DH operates five smoking cessation
clinics, while the Hospital Authority operates
16 full-time and 42 part-time smoking cessation
clinics. To further strengthen the provision of
smoking cessation services in the community, the
Government has in recent years engaged local non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) in providing
free community-based smoking cessation services.
As reported in the original article in this issue by Ho
et al,7 the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals is one of
our NGO partners that provides smoking cessation
services through its Integrated Centre on Smoking
Cessation set up in different districts of Hong
Kong. They have adopted an integrated model of
counselling and pharmacotherapy, and the quit rate
at week 26 is 35.1%.7 Apart from counselling and
pharmacotherapy, the Government also engages
other NGOs to enhance smoking cessation services
with different approaches including acupuncture,
an outreach service to workplaces, and services for
ethnic minorities and new immigrants. The quit rate
of these services ranges between 25% and 30%.
Given the expertise of health care professionals
in the area, we have a prominent role to play in
helping patients to quit smoking. There is evidence
that the provision of brief advice from a physician
can increase the chance of quitting when compared
with no advice (relative risk, 1.66; 95% confidence
interval, 1.42-1.94).8 As such, doctors may
incorporate brief cessation advice and counselling
into their consultations with patients who are
smokers. This may motivate smokers to quit and
contribute significantly to their health.
The health of the public is every health
care professional’s paramount concern. The
Government strives to control tobacco use through a
multipronged approach. We will continue our efforts
to strengthen the tobacco control regimen. With
the concerted efforts of health care professionals,
community organisations and the public, we will
continue to work towards our next target—a single-digit
smoking prevalence.
1. McGhee SM, Ho LM, Lapsley HM, et al. Cost of tobacco-related
diseases, including passive smoking, in Hong Kong.
Tob Control 2006;15:125-30. Crossref
2. Thematic Household Survey Report, Report No. 59:
Pattern of smoking. Hong Kong: Census and Statistics
Department; 2016. Available from: Accessed Feb
3. Arrazola RA, Neff LJ, Kennedy SM, Holder-Hayes E, Jones
CD; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Tobacco use among middle and high school students—United States, 2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Tobacco product use among middle and high school
students—United States, 2011 and 2012. MMWR Morb
Mortal Wkly Rep 2013;62:893-7.
5. Johnston LD, O’Malley PM, Miech RA, Bachman JG,
Schulenberg JE. Monitoring the future national survey
results on drug use: 1975-2014: overview, key findings
on adolescent drug use. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social
Research, The University of Michigan. Available from: Accessed Jan 2016.
6. Knowledge and Analytical Services of Welsh Government.
Exposure to secondhand smoke in cars and e-cigarette use
among 10-11 year old children in Wales: CHETS Wales 2.
Welsh Government Social Research, 3 December 2014.
Available from: Accessed Jan 2016.
7. Ho KS, Choi BW, Chan HC, Ching KW. Evaluation of
biological, psychosocial, and interventional predictors for
success of a smoking cessation programme in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Med J 2016;22:158-64. Crossref
8. Stead LF, Buitrago D, Preciado N, Sanchez G, Hartmann-Boyce J, Lancaster T. Physician advice for smoking cessation.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;(5):CD000165. Crossref