DOI: 10.12809/hkmj154583
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Plasma heating for inactivating Ebola virus
Viroj Wiwanitkit, MD
Hainan Medical University, China; Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš, Serbia
Corresponding author: Prof Viroj Wiwanitkit (

To the Editor—Chong et al1 reported an interesting
study on “Effects of a plasma heating procedure
for inactivating Ebola virus on common chemical
pathology tests” in the June issue of the Hong
Kong Medical Journal. They concluded that “heat
inactivation results in no significant change in
electrolytes, glucose, and renal function tests, but
causes a significant bias for many analytes” and
recommended “use of a point-of-care device for
blood gases, electrolytes, troponin, and liver and
renal function tests within a class 2 or above biosafety
cabinet with level 3 or above biosafety laboratory
practice”.1 Plasma heating is accepted as a method
for virus inactivation and is mainly recommended in
transfusion medicine.
Nonetheless the problem in determination of
laboratory analytes is not unexpected. As reported
by Chong et al,1 several parameters can be changed
after heating so it is not always appropriate. There are
alternative methods for virus inactivation. A good
example is irradiation that does not alter protein or
chemicals in samples.2 3 Focusing on the need for a high-class biosafety laboratory, the main concern
is availability. In many settings, such a laboratory
is extremely limited and might not be sufficient if a
pandemic of Ebola were to occur.
1. Chong YK, Ng WY, Chen SP, Mak CM. Effects of a plasma
heating procedure for inactivating Ebola virus on common
chemical pathology tests. Hong Kong Med J 2015;21:201-7. CrossRef
2. Chepurnov AA, Chuev IuP, P’iankov OV, Efimova IV. The
effect of some physical and chemical factors on inactivation
of the Ebola virus [in Russian]. Vopr Virusol 1995;40:74-6.
3. Elliott LH, McCormick JB, Johnson KM. Inactivation of
Lassa, Marburg, and Ebola viruses by gamma irradiation.
J Clin Microbiol 1982;16:704-8.
Author’s reply
YK Chong, MB, BS;
WY Ng, MB, ChB, PhD;
Sammy PL Chen, FRCPA, FHKAM (Pathology);
CM Mak, FRCPA, FHKAM (Pathology)
Chemical Pathology Laboratory, Department of Pathology, Princess
Margaret Hospital, Laichikok, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Dr CM Mak (
To the Editor—We would like to thank Professor
Wiwanitkit for his comments. As reported in the
article, we aimed to delineate the effect of the plasma
heating procedure on common chemical pathology
tests. The results indicated that most common
biochemical analytes, with the exception of serum
enzymes, can be interpreted after the procedure.1
We believe that the information derived will be
useful for laboratories without access to high-class
biosafety laboratories, or as suggested, a facility for
high-energy irradiation of samples.
Unfortunately, with reference to the suggestion
of using high-energy gamma irradiation to inactivate
clinical specimens, based on the calculation from the
cited article2 and reported viral load in the literature
(up to 1010 copies/mL),3 such a facility is not routinely
available in clinical laboratories in Hong Kong.
1. Chong YK, Ng WY, Chen SP, Mak CM. Effects of a plasma
heating procedure for inactivating Ebola virus on common
chemical pathology tests. Hong Kong Med J 2015;21:201-7. Crossref
2. Elliott LH, McCormick JB, Johnson KM. Inactivation of
Lassa, Marburg, and Ebola viruses by gamma irradiation.
J Clin Microbiol 1982;16:704-8.
3. Towner JS, Rollin PE, Bausch DG, et al. Rapid diagnosis of
Ebola hemorrhagic fever by reverse transcription-PCR in
an outbreak setting and assessment of patient viral load as
a predictor of outcome. J Virol 2004;78:4330-41. Crossref