Hong Kong Med J 2015 Jun;21(3):251–60 | Epub 23 Apr 2015
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj144474
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Eczema therapeutics in children: what do the clinical trials say?
Theresa NH Leung, FHKCPaed, FRCPCH; KL Hon, MD, FCCM
Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 6/F, Clinical Sciences Building, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong
Corresponding author: Prof KL Hon (ehon@cuhk.edu.hk)

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common childhood
atopic disease associated with chronicity and impaired
quality of life. As there is no cure for the disease,
treatment relies on topical and systemic anti-allergic
or immunomodulating therapies. Topical corticosteroid,
macrolide immunosuppressants, and oral
immunomodulating drugs for recalcitrant disease
have been the mainstay of therapy. Management
of atopic dermatitis must consider the individual
symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy
is focused on patient/family education, hydrating
topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and
non-specific provocative factors. Anti-inflammatory
treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and
topical calcineurin inhibitors is used for exacerbation
management and more recently in selective cases
for proactive therapy. Systemic immunosuppressive
treatment is an option for severe refractory cases.
Microbial colonisation and superinfection may
induce disease exacerbation and justify additional
antimicrobial treatment. Adjuvant therapy includes
ultraviolet (UV) irradiation preferably with UVA1
or narrowband UVB. Dietary recommendations
should be specific and given only when food allergy
is confirmed. Allergen-specific immunotherapy
against aeroallergens may be useful in selected cases.
Parallel use of traditional and proprietary topical and
herbal medicine has also been popular in China and
many cities in Asia. Complementary and alternative
medicine may have a place but evidence-based data
are lacking.
Eczema or atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronically
relapsing dermatosis that affects 9% to 20% of
children in the US and is more prevalent
in children who belong to upper socio-economic
classes, smaller family sizes, and families with
overzealous hygiene.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The disease affects 5.6%
of young children and 3.8% of school children and
adolescents in Hong Kong.8 9
Children with AD may suffer from lack of
sleep, irritability, daytime tiredness, emotional
stress, lowered self-esteem, and psychological
disturbance.10 11 The disruption of school, family life, and social interactions can severely impair the
quality of life and extends beyond childhood. Parents
may experience guilt, frustration, resentment,
exhaustion, and helplessness due to their child’s
The diagnosis of AD is predominantly clinical,
based on a constellation of clinical features. Firm
criteria to define AD were first established by Hanifin
and Rajka.2 13 The UK working diagnostic criteria are also concise and practical.14
Atopic dermatitis involves defective cell-mediated immunity related to an imbalance in two
subsets of CD4-T cells that creates a predominance
of T-memory cells in the T-helper 2 pathways
and preferential apoptosis of interferon-gamma
producing T-helper 1 memory and effector T-cells.
15 16 Recently, we demonstrated that AD also
involves many cellular and humoral immune
mediators in addition to an aberration of cell-mediated
There is a strong genetic predisposition. It has
been shown that loss-of-function mutations in the
filaggrin (filament-aggregating protein) [FLG] gene
predispose to AD.18 19 20 21 22 Recent findings have shown that the affected skin of atopic individuals is deficient
in filaggrin degradation products.23 24
In summary, AD is an atopic/allergic
disease that involves complex interactions among
susceptible genes, immunological factors, skin
barrier defects, infections, neuroendocrine factors,
and environmental factors.2 Using clinical guidelines
primarily but not exclusively from Europe, the
US, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea
and Japan, this paper summarises the contemporary
therapeutics in management of childhood AD.
Overview of atopic dermatitis therapeutic guidelines
Reviews and guidelines on management of AD have
been published by various professional organisations
worldwide.25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Most of the guidelines have provided
recommendations for both children and adults
while the National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) Guidelines focus on management
of AD for children of 12 years and younger.36 38 These evidence-based guidelines are regularly reviewed
and updated. The NICE guidelines were reviewed
in 2011 and 2014 with no new recommendations or
changes. The American Academy of Dermatology
first published the guidelines in 2004 and recently
updated them in 2014 with more a comprehensive
review that was divided into four sections with
paediatric considerations highlighted in the section
on management and treatment with phototherapy
and systemic agents.29 30 31 32 33 39 The new European
Guidelines published in 201227 28 evaluated existing evidence-based guidelines from Germany, the
Health Technology Assessment Report, and the
position statement of the European Task Force
on Atopic Dermatitis26 together with an appraisal
of updated literature to provide consensus
recommendations for management. In 2013, the
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians formed a panel
group with paediatricians and dermatologists to
agree on management guidelines of AD in children
based on the NICE guidelines for children with
recommendations for local practice.40
Overview of individual treatment
Although emollients are widely recommended as
the foundation in management of AD, their use is
supported by only limited evidence.41 42 43 44 45 There is no evidence to show that any emollient is superior
to their counterparts. A small-scale randomised
controlled trial (RCT) showed that over-the-counter
petroleum-based skin protectant moisturiser for
mild-to-moderate AD in children has similar clinical
efficacy and much higher cost-efficacy than the
glycyrrhetinic acid–containing barrier repair cream
or a ceramide-dominant barrier repair cream.46
Recently concern has been raised about the possible
adverse effects of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), a
surfactant commonly found in many emollients
like aqueous cream and emulsifying ointments.
Aqueous cream has been shown to cause skin
irritation, thinning of the cornea stratum, and
increased transepidermal water loss following twice
daily application for a few weeks.47 48 49 Hence, SLS-containing
emollients are more suitable as a soap
substitute rather than left-on emollients. There is
a lack of evidence for other bathing practices like
addition of emollients to bathing water, while use
of emollients immediately after bathing as ‘soak and
seal’ can help maintain hydration.30 45 Generally, liberal use of emollients is recommended but it is
uncertain whether their use in between periods of
eczema flare-up helps to prevent further deterioration
and how different methods and timing of
application of emollients influence their efficacy.
The Barrier Enhancement for Eczema
Prevention research study (http://beepstudy.org)
aims to find out whether skin care advice including
application of emollients can prevent eczema in
newborns. A pilot study identified 124 infants
with high-risk factors for AD including more than
one first-degree relative with a history of asthma,
hay fever, or AD.50 Subjects were randomised to
receive once-daily application of an emollient
before the age of 3 weeks and continuing for 6
months. The 6-month cumulative incidence of
investigator-diagnosed eczema was 22% in the daily
emollient group compared with 43% in controls
corresponding to a relative risk reduction of 50%.50
Another prospective RCT to investigate whether
protecting the skin barrier with a moisturiser during
the neonatal period could prevent development
of AD and allergic sensitisation showed that daily
application of moisturiser during the first 32 weeks
of life reduces the risk of AD/eczema in infants.51
These reports suggest that use of emollients might
prevent development of AD in high-risk patients.
Topical corticosteroids
Evidence for the use of topical corticosteroids (TCS)
in the management of AD is well established.52
Topical corticosteroids are recommended as first-line
anti-inflammatory therapy for AD in children
and adults.27 30 35 40 The TCS are classified in order of
relative potency according to their vasoconstrictive
effect.30 40 Different formulations of the same agent affect the potency, with ointment, cream, and lotion
in descending order of clinical efficacy. There are
limited clinical studies to compare the different
types of TCS and evidence for recommendations
on dosage, frequency, and duration of application is
sparse. The choice of type and formulation of TCS
depends on a number of factors including severity
and site of lesions, patient’s age and preference. The
NICE guidelines for children recommend use of the
corresponding potency of TCS for severity of atopic
eczema; mild potency for the face and neck and
moderate potency only for short-term (3-5 days) use
in severe flares; moderate or potent preparations for
short periods only (7-14 days) for flares in vulnerable
sites such as axillae and groin.36 53 Potent fluorinated corticosteroids should be avoided for infants and
sensitive skin areas.34 Systematic reviews of studies
that compared the frequency of application of newer-generation moderately potent to very potent
steroids identified no benefit in outcome for more
frequent applications over once-daily application.54
In general, TCS should be applied once daily and
no more than twice daily.36 38 53 During acute flares,
it is advisable to use the strength and potency of
steroids appropriate to the severity of the eczema
daily to gain rapid control of inflammation, reducing
gradually with a less-potent steroid or less-frequent
Topical corticosteroids are generally safe with
few serious reported adverse effects.55 56 Risks of side-effects increase with higher potency, occlusion,
thinner skin areas, severity of AD, young age,
and longer duration of use. Local adverse effects
include skin atrophy, telangiectasia, hypertrichosis,
and striae.56 Skin absorption of TCS sufficient to
cause clinical significant systemic adverse effects
are rare. A systematic review of small-scale studies
on the effects of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis in children using TCS showed an overall
good safety profile with a few cases demonstrating
HPA suppression associated with use of potent
TCS. Reports on effects of growth delay were
inconclusive.57 Clinical monitoring of potential side-effects
of TCS is sufficient and routine monitoring
of systemic side-effects is not recommended. Steroid
phobia is a common cause of failure of treatment.58 59 Parental concerns should be addressed to ensure
adherence to treatment.60 Systematic review of seven
case-control and cohort studies on pregnant women
using TCS did not demonstrate an association of TCS
with congenital abnormality or adverse outcome of
Use of wet-wrap treatment was first described
in detail in the early 1990s. Wet-wrap treatment
involved application of TCS, with or without
dilution, and emollients under layers of wet
dressings. The principles of action included increase
in TCS effects under occlusion, maintenance of skin
hydration, cooling of inflamed skin, and reduction
of scratching.62 Devillers and Oranje63 reviewed 10 small-scale studies with two RCTs and eight
observation studies of wet-wrap treatment in children
with moderate-to-severe eczema. All except one
study applied undiluted mild TCS (hydrocortisone)
or diluted mild-to-potent steroid (1:5 to 1:50
dilution) cream or ointment under two layers (one
wet layer and one dry layer) of tubular bandages,
maintained for 3 to 24 hours a day for a period of 2 to
14 days. There were variations in the type of steroid,
emollient, and dressing used for wet-wrap, but all
studies reported improvement in eczema scores.63
One study used emollients combined with 0.5%
chlorhexidine and also showed mild improvement in
SCORAD (SCORing Atopic Dermatitis) score after
3 days of treatment. A recent RCT showed that wet-wrap
with diluted 1% mometasone ointment had
a better outcome and acted faster than emollients
only.64 The most common reported adverse effects
include discomfort, mostly due to chills, and
folliculitis more commonly caused by ointment. Six
out of the 10 studies reported a temporary decrease
in early morning serum cortisol that normalised
afterwards.63 Most experts recommended wet-wrap
with diluted steroids as a short-term second-line
treatment for severe eczema after infection was
controlled. A set of practice guidelines on wet-wrap
treatment was published by the same group of
authors with a detailed description of methodology
and materials used.62 Nonetheless climacteric and
personal issues limit the usefulness of wet-wrap
treatment outside of the hospital setting.65
Topical immunomodulants
Topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) are ascomycin
macrolactam derivatives produced by Streptomyces
strains of bacterium. Topical calcineurin inhibitors
act through inhibition of calcineurin function and
hence reduce the production and release of proinflammatory
cytokines in AD. Pimecrolimus cream
1% and tacrolimus ointment 0.03% are licensed
for use in patients older than 2 years. Tacrolimus
ointment (0.1%) is recommended for use only
over the age of 15 years and it remains part of the
current recommendations by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).66 67 68 69 Short-term (3-12 weeks)
and long-term (up to 1 year) studies of both TCIs
showed that TCIs were significantly more effective
than vehicle.40 41 42 Tacrolimus studies included
mostly patients with moderate-to-severe AD and
pimecrolimus studies focused on mild-to-moderate
AD.66 67 68 There is strong evidence that TCIs have a
steroid-sparing effect and long-term use of up to 12
months can prevent flares.66 Topical calcineurin
inhibitors are particularly useful for sensitive
sites including the face, neck, and skin flexures.
Tacrolimus has been objectively shown to reduce
itch and ameliorate sleep disturbance.70
Three studies that directly compared the
efficacy of pimecrolimus and tacrolimus involved
mainly children with mild-to-severe AD and
showed that tacrolimus was more effective than
pimecrolimus.66 68 In comparing TCI and TCS, a few short-term paediatric studies showed that 0.03% and
0.1% tacrolimus ointment was more effective than
1% hydrocortisone acetate cream or ointment.66 68 Two paediatric studies showed that 1% pimecrolimus
is more effective than 1% hydrocortisone acetate
and 0.1% triamcinolone acetate.68 One adult study
showed that pimecrolimus was less effective than
moderate TCS.67
In long-term studies of children and adults,
TCIs were well tolerated. The most common side-effects
were local irritation, erythema, or pruritus.66
There was no evidence of increase in skin infections
or skin atrophy even when TCIs were applied under
occlusion. Systemic absorption was low and serum
level did not accumulate following application for
up to 12 months. Nonetheless data from animal
studies on the risks of cancer associated with TCIs
and post-marketing reports of lymphoma and skin
cancer led the US FDA to issue recommendations
for TCIs as short-term non-continuous therapy
of AD in non-immunocompromised patients
aged 2 years or above,69 and approved a black-box
warning label for the two TCIs pimecrolimus cream
(1%) and tacrolimus ointment (0.03% and 0.1%)
in 2006.66 Subsequently, the efficacy and safety of
TCIs have been systematically reviewed by various
authors and professional groups: most concluded
that TCIs are safe without evidence of increased
risk of malignancy.55 66 69 71 72 At the moment, data from available human case-control and cohort
studies have identified no causal association of TCIs
with malignancies although the long-term potential
carcinogenic risks of TCIs remain uncertain. Most
international guidelines recommend that clinicians
alert patients/parents to the black-box warning before
starting treatment.26 30 36 The latest guidelines of the
American Academy of Dermatology recommend
off-label use of 0.03% tacrolimus ointment and 1%
pimecrolimus for patients younger than 2 years with
mild-to-severe AD.30
Proactive approach with topical anti-inflammatory therapy
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing inflammatory
condition. Use of topical anti-inflammatory
medications (TCS or TCI) intermittently only
during acute flares and maintenance therapy with
emollients during periods of clinical remission has
been a common treatment strategy. Nonetheless,
visually normal skin may have subclinical
inflammation and be prone to exacerbations. There
has been a paradigm shift in the approach to prevent
flares through low-dose topical maintenance and
proactive therapy after stabilisation of an acute
exacerbation.32 73 A systematic review identified eight RCTs of proactive treatment with four trials
of tacrolimus, three trials of fluticasone propionate,
and one of methylprednisolone aceponate in
paediatric and adult patients suffering from
moderate-to-severe AD.74 Study medications were
applied once daily twice a week (except one study
of tacrolimus with application 3 times a week)
over a period up to 16 weeks and 40 weeks for TCS
and TCI, respectively. The data showed that the
proactive treatment approach was more efficacious
in prevention of flares during the treatment period
but long-term safety data are lacking.74 The results
suggested that for a patient with moderate-to-severe
eczema and chronic relapsing lesions, maintenance
treatment with topical anti-inflammatory therapy
twice a week may be a better strategy to prevent AD
flares and TCS may be more effective than TCIs.74
Topical sodium cromoglicate
Sodium cromoglicate (SCG) has anti-allergic, anti-itch,
and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been
used topically in the treatment of asthma, allergic
rhinitis, and allergic conjunctivitis. Recently, the
effect of a new formulation of 4% SCG cutaneous
emulsions was evaluated as treatment for children
with AD.75 A meta-analysis of three multicentre
RCTs involving 490 children with AD and a mean age
of 5.3 years compared the outcomes of application
of SCG emulsion against vehicle over a 12-week
period.75 There was significant improvement in
SCORAD score within the treatment group and
4% SCG produced a more significant but clinically
mild difference in SCORAD score of -2.82 (-5.36; -0.29), P=0.03.75 Another RCT of 208 children aged 2
to 12 years over 12 weeks showed that 4% SCG was
more effective in terms of greater improvement in
SCORAD and SASSAD (Six Area, Six Sign Atopic
Dermatitis) severity scores and reduced use of
topical steroids during treatment periods.76 These
results suggested that 4% SCG emulsion could be an
effective treatment for children with AD.
Antimicrobials and antiseptics
There is no doubt that Staphylococcus aureus is
linked to AD and treatment with short-course oral
antibiotics in infected AD is a common practice
despite the lack of supportive evidence.77 78 A systematic review included 26 short-term low-quality
studies of 1229 AD participants and
compared various interventional strategies to
reduce S aureus infection, including oral antibiotics,
topical antibiotics, or topical anti-septics.79 The
authors concluded that anti-staphylococcal
strategies can reduce the amount of bacteria in skin
but the clinical benefit, especially in non-infected
AD, remains uncertain. Large-scale long-term
good-quality studies are needed to study clinical
outcomes and adverse effects. One study involved
31 children (6 months to 17 years) with moderate-to-severe AD and evidence of bacterial infection
who were randomised to use diluted bleach bath of
0.005% sodium hypochlorite twice per week plus
nasal mupirocin 5 days per month for 3 months.80
Bacteria count was reduced and there was significant
improvement in mean eczema EASI (Eczema Area
and Severity Index) scores compared with placebo
at 1 month and 3 months.80 Recent guidelines have
included diluted bleach bath and nasal mupirocin
as a recommended treatment for patients with
moderate-to-severe AD and clinical signs of
secondary bacterial infection.30 34 40
Relief of itch will help to break the ‘itch-scratch
cycle’ in AD. Despite the widespread use of first- and
second-generation H1 antihistamines in AD, there
is no strong evidence that oral antihistamines are
effective anti-pruritics.81 They are safe to use and
their sedative effects, where present, may be useful
to promote better sleep quality.
Systemic immunomodulating therapy
In patients with moderate-to-severe eczema
who fail to respond to topical therapy, systemic
immunomodulating agents have been prescribed
as off-label medications. The European Treatment
of Severe Atopic Eczema in Children Taskforce
conducted a survey on the use of systemic therapy
across eight European countries.82 Overall, 343
consultant physicians responded with 89.2%
dermatologists: 71% would initiate systemic
immunosuppression for children with severe
atopic eczema. Cyclosporin A (CsA; 43.0%) was
the most popular first-line drug followed by oral
corticosteroids (30.7%) and azathioprine (AZA;
21.7%); CsA (33.6%) and AZA (28.7%) were the two
most commonly used as second-line medication,
while methotrexate (MTX) was ranked as the most
popular third-line drug (26.2%).82 Around half of
the respondents (53.7%) replied that they routinely
test and treat cutaneous infection prior to starting
systemic treatment and 78.3% used penicillins
as the first choice of antibiotics.82 Roekevisch
et al83 recently published an updated systematic
review based on Grading of Recommendations,
Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
methodology, on the efficacy and safety of 12 systemic
treatment interventions for moderate-to-severe AD.
Overall, 34 RCTs were selected comprising a total
of 1653 paediatric and adult patients. It concluded
that CsA, AZA, and MTX could be recommended
as systemic treatment for refractory AD. There were
14 short-term and long-term studies on CsA that all
demonstrated improvement in clinical outcomes, and
short-term studies had the largest number of subjects
for the strongest recommendations. Although the
authors recommended CsA as a first-line therapy,
AZA as second-line, and MTX as third-line systemic
treatment for moderate-to-severe AD, there was
a lack of data on direct comparison of the efficacy
of these three agents.83 In addition, paediatric data
were scant and the long-term safety profile of these
medications in AD patients was uncertain. Clinicians
should consider patient factors and potential risks
when prescribing any one of the above systemic
agents. Recommendations were not possible for
other systemic treatment including mycophenolate
mofetil, intravenous gamma globulin, montelukast,
systemic calcineurin inhibitors, and systemic
corticosteroids due to limited or poor-quality data.
Systemic oral glucocorticosteroids were used for
years but the high risk of flares after cessation of
treatment and unfavourable risk-benefit profile
limited their clinical use, especially in children.
Cyclosporin A
Cyclosporin A inhibits activation of T cells and has
been originally used to control graft rejection in
transplant patients. With accumulating experience
and data about its role in the treatment of severe
AD, international guidelines recommend CsA as a
systemic immune therapy to consider for chronic
severe eczema in children and adults who have failed
to respond to topical therapy.28 33 34 Five RCTs with
146 participants compared CsA with placebo and
revealed an improvement in clinical eczema severity
scores by 53% to 95% after treatment from 10 days
to 8 weeks.84 One study also showed a decrease in
surface area of involvement.84 In a systematic review
of 15 controlled and uncontrolled studies including
602 patients, cyclosporin consistently decreased the
severity of atopic eczema.83 Analysis of 12 studies
found a dose-related response at 2-week treatment
with a pooled mean decrease in disease severity
of 22% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8-36%) with
low-dose cyclosporin (<3 mg/kg) and 40% (95%
CI, 29-51%) at dosages of ≥4 mg/kg. After 6 to 8
weeks, the relative effectiveness was 55% (95% CI,
48-62%).83 A few studies compared CsA with other
agents and showed it to be more effective than oral
prednisolone, intravenous immunoglobulin (Ig), and
phototherapy.81 There were four open-label paediatric
and adult long-term studies for CsA of up to 12 months
showing sustained effects with continuous use.81 The
potential side-effects of CsA in AD are similar to
those in other conditions that require CsA therapy.
They include infection, nephrotoxicity, hypertension,
hypertrichosis, gingival hyperplasia, increased risks
of skin cancer and lymphoma. Patients should have
their blood pressure checked at every visit with
renal and liver function tests, and blood cell counts
performed every 2 weeks for the first 2 to 3 months
of treatment, then monthly thereafter. The usual
dosage recommendations of CsA ranged from 2.5
to 6 mg/kg/day although a higher initial starting
dosage of 5 mg/kg/day demonstrated a more rapid
response and adverse effects were not reported to be
dose-related. Nonetheless on balance, it is advisable
to start at a lower dose of 2.5 to 3 mg/kg/day and
titrate stepwise to ascertain the lowest maintenance
dose for control with serum creatinine within 25%
of baseline.28 33 As the long-term safety profile and relapse rate of CsA use in AD patients, in particular
paediatric patients, is uncertain, it may be more
suitable as a short-term therapy. Concomitant use of
other immunosuppressants or phototherapy is not
Azathioprine is a purine analogue with
immunomodulating properties. Similar to
CsA, it was initially developed in the 1960s for
treatment of graft-versus-host disease. In the
past 20 years evidence has accumulated for its
use as a steroid-sparing agent in the treatment
of severe recalcitrant AD. Two RCTs in 98 adult
patients found better improvement in SASSAD
score following AZA treatment for up to 12 weeks
compared with placebo.83 A study comparing
AZA with MTX showed similar improvement in
symptom scores and quality of life after 12 weeks
of treatment.83 Paediatric data were limited but
a few observational studies showed promising
results. A local retrospective study of 17 children
and young adults showed improved SCORAD score
at 3 months and 6 months of treatment.85 Dosage
recommendations ranged from 1 to 3 mg/kg/day.
Mild side-effects such as gastro-intestinal
intolerance and headache are common. Serious side-effects
have been linked to genetic polymorphism of
thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), an important
enzyme in the metabolism of AZA. Individuals
with homozygous TPMT mutations (low or absent
TPMT activity) are prone to develop life-threatening
myelosuppression while those with supra-normal
TPMT activity may respond less well to treatment
but could be at higher risk of hepatotoxicity.33 The
dosing of AZA can also be guided by TPMT activity
as patients with TPMT activity at the heterozygous
range respond at the low dosage range with no
increase in toxicity.86 Measurement of TPMT level
before initiation of treatment with AZA is generally
recommended and regular monitoring of blood cell
counts and liver function tests is indicated for all
patients during the course of treatment.28 33
Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist with T-cell
suppression, approved for use in two dermatological
conditions including psoriasis and advanced mycosis
fungoides. A few small-scale retrospective studies
showed that MTX was effective in the treatment
of AD adult patients.33 83 There were only a few paediatric retrospective case series demonstrating
that MTX treatment in AD was safe, effective,
and well tolerated.33 Recently, El-Khalawany et al87 published the first RCT study comparing low-dose
MTX (7.5 mg/week) and CsA (2.5 mg/kg/week)
in 40 Egyptian children with severe AD. At the end
of 12 weeks, there was a similar reduction in mean
SCORAD score for MTX and CsA. The study showed 20%
to 30% of patients on MTX had minor adverse effects
of anaemia, fatigue and diarrhoea, and 20% had
abnormal liver but none had significant liver toxicity
or other adverse effects that required adjustment in
Garritsen et al88 performed the first systematic
review of phototherapy in AD patients using GRADE
system. Nineteen RCT studies of various modalities
of photo(chemo)therapies with treatment duration
of 10 days to 40 weeks involving 905 participants
(age range, 8-83 years) were included. Meta-analysis
could not be performed as most studies
were small scale with wide heterogeneity in quality
and methodology. The authors concluded that
narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) and ultraviolet
A1 (UVA1) seemed to be the most effective forms
of phototherapy.88 Psoralen plus UVA (PUVA)
was also an effective option but generally not the
first choice due to its association with side-effects.
Other treatment modalities including full-spectrum
UVA, broadband UVB, and full-spectrum light
therapy were considered less effective treatment.
Most forms of phototherapy were mainly used for
treatment of chronic lichenified forms of moderate-to-severe AD, except for high-dose UVA1 that
was also effective for treatment of acute flares.88 In
general, long-term exposure to UV light increases
the risk of skin cancer. One report highlighted
an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer
in children with psoriasis on PUVA treatment.33
There are, however, no data about the long-term
risk of developing cancer in children undergoing
NB-UVB.89 Common reported side-effects included
xerosis cutis, erythema, burning sensations, and skin
pigmentation. Ultraviolet A treatment, particularly
with the addition of oral psoralen (PUVA), was
more likely to be associated with side-effects of
photosensitivity, cataract formation, folliculitis,
and photo-onycholysis. Side-effects of oral psoralen
include headache, nausea, vomiting, and, rarely,
hepatotoxicity. Concomitant therapy with emollients
and TCS may be used for control of acute flare and
maintenance therapy but TCI should be avoided. In
current guidelines, phototherapy is considered a safe
and effective second-line treatment for moderate-to-severe AD.28 33 34 Available evidence supports
NB-UVB as the preferred treatment with moderate-dose
UVA1 as an alternative treatment, while high-dose
UVA1 may be considered in the acute phase.
Clinical response to the type, dose, and duration of
phototherapy varied widely and treatment regimens
have to be individualised.
Dietary interventions
The relationship of food allergy with AD is
complex.90 91 Immunoglobulin E sensitisation to food has been reported in about 40% to 90% of
patients with moderate-to-severe AD, but positive
skin prick testing and specific IgE levels have
poor predictive value for immediate or delayed
eczematous reactions.91 92 Dietary avoidance based on food-specific IgA or IgG testing is not efficacious
in ameliorating disease severity.93 Food allergens
trigger eczema exacerbations especially in infants
and young children but there is a lack of evidence
that food allergens cause AD. A systematic review
of the effects in nine trials of an elimination diet on
existing eczema showed that there was no evidence
to support the use of egg-free or milk-free dietary
exclusion for unselected AD patients and no benefit
for elemental or food-restricted diet in general.94 An
exclusion diet is more likely to be useful in patients
with a clinical history of IgE-mediated allergic
reactions and young patients with severe disease.94
An elimination diet should not be continued if no
improvement is observed after 3 to 4 weeks.92
Allergen-specific immunotherapy
Administration of allergen-specific immunotherapy
(ASIT) through giving repeated incremental
subcutaneous (SCIT) or sublingual (SLIT) doses of
allergen may induce immune tolerance in patients
sensitised to allergens. In patients with AD, the best
evidence for use of ASIT is with the house dust mite
(HDM) allergen. In a systematic review, eight RCTs
that comprised a total of 385 AD subjects sensitised
to HDM were given ASIT: six studies used SCIT
and two studies used SLIT for a treatment period
of 4 to 36 months. It was found that ASIT had a
significant positive effect on clinical outcome of
AD.95 The effect was significant in subgroup analysis
for long-term treatment longer than 1 year, severe
AD and SCIT, but insignificant for children only and
SLIT.95 Nonetheless with the limitations of small-scale
heterogeneous studies, it is not possible to
make specific recommendations on the use of ASIT.
Current evidence suggests that ASIT may be one of
the treatment options in patients with severe AD
sensitised to HDM.28 34
Chinese herbal medicine
The beneficial effects of Chinese herbal medicine
(CHM) in children with AD have not been
consistently demonstrated.96 97 Meta-analyses have been performed by Cochrane reviews and show no
conclusive evidence that oral intake of most Chinese
herbs or Chinese herbal formulae used in the
included studies could improve eczema.96 Further,
they could not find convincing evidence that topical
application of CHM, used alone or in conjunction
with oral administration of Chinese herbal formula,
could reduce the severity of eczema in children or
adults. Even though the included studies claimed that
there were statistically significant differences in the
outcome measures for the CHM treatment groups
compared with the control groups, these claims
could not be substantiated due to a low strength of
evidence and high risk of bias.98
In a series of studies and a RCT, Hon et
al99 100 101 102 demonstrated that a PentaHerbs concoction
improved quality of life in children with moderate-to-severe eczema. Experts in the Cochrane reviews
have suggested that well-designed, adequately
powered trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy
and safety of CHM for managing eczema.96 103
Psychological and educational interventions
Psychological symptoms of stress, anxiety, and
depression are prevalent among eczema patients
and correlate with quality-of-life impairment.104
Psychological and educational interventions are
complementary to other therapeutic approaches to
help patients and carers to cope with this chronic
condition. These interventions were reviewed
systematically and recently updated by the Cochrane
Skin Group in 2014.105 Ten studies were included
with nine studies reviewing predominantly parent-focused
educational interventions and one focused
on child-centred psychological interventions.105
One large study of 992 subjects revealed that
the study group who received age-appropriate
group education in six standardised sessions had
significant improvement in disease severity score and
quality of life.105 Due to the heterogeneity of interventions
and outcome, the authors concluded that
it was impossible to draw definitive conclusions and
there was a need for further research, in particular
standalone psychological interventions.
Management of AD has remained challenging, often
not because of the lack of effective treatment but of
non-adherence and unrealistic expectations on the
part of patients or their parents. Detailed evaluation
of disease severity, treatment history, and its impact
on patients’ and parents’ quality of life will determine the
individual success of management for this complex
atopic disease.
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