Hong Kong Med J 2015 Jun;21(3):232–6 | Epub 13 Feb 2015
DOI: 10.12809/hkmj144297
© Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Quality of life of Chinese urologists: a cross-sectional study using WHOQOL-BREF
YB Wei, MD1,2; Z Yin, MD1; YL Gao, MD1; B Yan, MD1; Z Wang, MD1; YR Yang, PhD1
1 Department of Urology, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, China
2 Department of Urology, Fujian Provincial Hospital, The Teaching Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China
Corresponding author: Dr JR Yang (yjinrui2012@163.com)

Objectives: In recent years, Chinese hospital
settings are under violent threats. The exact status
of quality of life of Chinese doctors under these
disastrous situations remains obscure. The aim of
this study was to assess the quality of life of Chinese
urologists and analyse its potential affecting factors.
Design: Cross-sectional survey.
Setting: Beijing, China.
Participants: Overall, 1000 participants from more
than 30 areas of China, who participated in the 20th
National Urology Conference in Beijing in 2013,
were surveyed. The brief version of the World Health
Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF)
Chinese version was used to assess the quality of life
among these urologists. The relationship between
quality of life and the affecting factors was analysed.
Results: Of the 1000 questionnaires, 856 were
completed and returned, and 708 questionnaires
were valid for analysis. Approximately 46% of the
respondents came from provincial capitals, 54.2%
of them felt stress from medical environment, while
76.0% felt stress from research work, and 85.3%
from promotion. Cronbach’s α coefficient of the
instrument was 0.825, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure was 0.841,
and P value of Bartlett’s sphericity was <0.001. The
results of binary logistic regression indicated gender,
work years, and medical environment as potential
affecting factors of quality of life only influenced one
domain. In contrast, research work and promotion
influenced three domains of the WHOQOL-BREF.
Conclusions: The study indicated that the
WHOQOL-BREF may be a reliable and valid tool to
assess quality of life of Chinese urologists. In China
it is true that the deteriorative medical environment
negatively affects medical practice according to
previous studies, and policies are recommended to
improve the situation. Nevertheless, we should not
be too pessimistic about it, as in today’s context
research work and promotion may be the most extensive and significant affecting factors on doctors’ quality
of life.
New knowledge added by this
- The brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (Chinese version) may be reliable and valid to assess quality of life of Chinese urologists.
- The policy-makers should pay attention to Chinese urologists’ quality of life.
In recent years, cases of Chinese hospital settings
under violent threats have been reported and such
reports have become the subject of worldwide
attention.1 2 These adverse events have affected
doctors and medical students in China.3 4 Violence
against medical staff is not solely limited to China, but
a worldwide issue.5 6 7 Nevertheless, it is unimaginable
that this kind of violence could become exacerbated,
and this threat has even influenced the medical
education of the future Chinese generation. As the
lack of trust and relationship between doctors and
patients in China becomes worse, many doctors
are discontented and concerned about their safety
during daily work. The survival status of Chinese
doctors in this special period is worthy of attention.
As of now, the exact status of Chinese doctors’
quality of life (QOL) under conditions like these
disastrous situations remains obscure.
A brief version of the World Health Organization
Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100; WHOQOL-BREF)
is one of the best known and acceptable instruments
available. It has been developed for cross-cultural
comparison of QOL and is available in more than
40 languages. Its validity has been confirmed in
assessing the subjective QOL of patients and the
general public. The Chinese version of WHOQOL-BREF
has also proven to be reliable and valid in the
assessment of QOL in Chinese individuals.8 9
The aim of this study was to assess the QOL
of Chinese urologists from a nationwide survey10 to
explore the possible influencing factors of QOL, and
to generate public attention on the issue of QOL of
the current medical community.
Ethics statement
The approval for this study was obtained from the
Institutional Review Board of the Second Xiangya
Hospital, Central South University, China. The
survey was anonymous and questionnaires did not
contain information that could identify individual
respondents. The administrator saved all the
returned questionnaires and data drawn from the
survey remained confidential.
The survey was carried out at the 20th National
Urology Conference in Beijing held between 19 and
21 December 2013.10 The conference was organised
by the Chinese Urological Association and was
held at the China National Convention Center in
Beijing. More than 2000 members registered for
the conference from over 30 areas, which included
participants from different provinces, cities, and
autonomous regions of China. This cross-sectional
study was conducted on 19 December 2013. A total
of 1000 questionnaires were sent to the delegates and
none of them reported repeating the test. Four well-trained
investigators distributed and carried out
the survey simultaneously and each survey process
was limited to less than 10 minutes per participant.
If participants had any questions regarding the
survey, they could ask for help at any time during
the process. The exclusion criteria were: (1) if more
than 20% of items (5 items) were not answered in
the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire; or (2) if more
than two items were not answered in the general
information section, except the items of WHOQOL-BREF.
Survey instrument
The questionnaire comprised two sections: (a)
general information of respondents which included
gender, professional qualifications (titles), working
years, hospital location, and sources of stress
including medical environment (referring to working
environment and workplace safety), clinical work,
research work, and promotion; and (b) the Chinese
version of WHOQOL-BREF which consisted of 26
items in four domains. The four domains included
in the brief version of WHOQOL-100 were physical
health (PHYS), psychological health (PSYCH), social
relationships (SOCIAL), and environment (ENVIR).
Each of the 26 items was assigned value scores of 1 to
5. The score for each domain was transformed into
a linear scale from 0 to 100, reflecting QOL which
ranged from lowest to highest.
Statistical analyses
Software EpiData version 3.1 (The EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark) was used to establish
the database. Double data entry was done and this
was double-checked by two well-trained researchers
until the results were exactly the same. Besides the
questionnaires that were excluded, in the general
information section of the valid questionnaires,
all the missing values were replaced with medians
(rounded), and for WHOQOL-BREF, the missing
data were replaced with the series mean.
All the statistical analyses were performed
with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS; Windows version 16.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago
[IL], US). Cronbach’s α was used to measure internal
consistency (‘reliability’), while Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
(KMO) measure and Bartlett’s test were used to assess the
validity of the instrument. Data in each domain of
WHOQOL-BREF were divided into two grouping
variables by its mean. Binary logistic regression was
carried out to analyse impact factors. A P value of
<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Sample characteristics
Of the 1000 questionnaires sent, 856 were completed
and returned. Approximately 17% (148/856) were
excluded according to the exclusion criteria.
Among the remaining 708 questionnaires, the total
missing data in the general information section and
WHOQOL-BREF section were about 2.1% (15/708)
and about 3.0% (21/708), respectively, and these were
considered to be valid. Of the 708 respondents, 597
(84.3%) were male, and 111 (15.7%) were female. The
work years was divided into groups of <10, 10-19,
20-29 and ≥30 years which was composed of 35.9%,
35.5%, 18.4% and 10.2% of respondents, respectively.
Approximately 46% of the respondents came from
provincial capitals like Guangzhou in Guangdong
province, and municipality directly under the
central government like Shanghai. The professional
qualifications (titles) were subdivided into three
categories: junior, intermediate, and senior titles.
From the start of career as a doctor in China, doctors
work approximately 5 years to get promoted from
each title level to the subsequent one. In the survey,
almost half the respondents held senior professional
titles. With regard to stress, all the four sources of
stress had two options to choose from: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.
For example, choosing ‘Yes’ in medical environment
meant that respondents felt stress from medical
environment, while choosing ‘No’ meant feeling
no stress from this aspect. Each respondent could
choose one or more than one source of stress. The
results with regard to source of stress showed that
54.2% (384) felt stress from medical environment,
45.1% (319) from clinical work, 76.0% (538) from
research work, and 85.3% (604) from promotion.
Reliability and validity
Reliability and validity were performed by SPSS.
Cronbach’s α, the most common measurement of
reliability, was used to assess the degree of internal uniformity. The overall Cronbach’s α coefficient of the instrument was 0.825, indicating the questionnaire
was of good quality. Exploratory factor analysis
is a mature and effective method used to uncover
the underlying structure of a relatively large set of
variables. Results showed that KMO measure was 0.841 and
P value of Bartlett’s sphericity was <0.001, indicating
that the data gathered from the study were suitable
for factor analysis.
Quality of life according to affecting factors
We then analysed the factors affecting each domain
using binary logistic regression. Gender, titles,
work years, hospital locations, and four sources of
stress were entered as independent factors into the
regression model. The analysis was performed by the Enter method. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test for
the four regression equations were obtained: PHYS
(P=0.198), PSYCH (P=0.863), SOCIAL (P=0.246), and
ENVIR (P=0.959), indicating higher fitting degrees.
Affecting factors are presented in detail in Table 1
and their relative risks and 95% confidence intervals
are listed in Table 2. Three factors that affected PHYS
domain were found to be gender, research work, and
promotion. Research work and promotion were also
the two affecting factors of PSYCH domain. In the
domain of SOCIAL, only research work proved to
be an affecting factor. In the ENVIR domain, three
factors were found affecting—work years, medical
environment, and promotion. All the above affecting
factors were significant with P values of <0.05. The
above results suggested that gender, work years,
and medical environment were potential affecting
factors of QOL and only influenced one domain. In
contrast, research work and promotion influenced
three domains of WHOQOL-BREF. Title, hospital
location, and clinical work were demonstrated as
non-affecting factors of four domains of WHOQOL-BREF
(all P>0.05).

Table 1. Results of binary logistic regression on affecting factors of quality of life of Chinese urologists

Table 2. Relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of binary logistic regression showing affecting factors of quality of life of Chinese urologists
The reliability and validity of the WHOQOL-BREF
instrument in a specialised Chinese population were
analysed. The WHOQOL-BREF is used worldwide
to assess QOL of different populations. The result
suggests that the instrument is feasible in the
assessment of QOL of Chinese medical professionals
like urologists. The QOL of Chinese medical
students8 and urban community residents9 have been
successfully assessed using the WHOQOL-BREF
and these studies have also proved the reliability
and validity of the Chinese version of WHOQOL-BREF.
8 9
Usually the QOL of patients and geriatric
populations are monitored with consideration.
However, less attention has been placed on the
QOL of health care practitioners, even physicians
themselves. It is necessary to emphasise the QOL
of health care facilitators when catastrophic
events happen to medical staff. The QOL of health
care providers (including physicians, nurses, and
technicians) has been studied after the 2010 Haiti
earthquake, and results suggest that health care
providers have expressed dissatisfaction about their
environment.11 In recent years, violence in health
care settings in China has becoming increasingly
fierce. More and more physicians and nurses have
encountered physical attacks, light injuries resulting
in psychological problems, or severe harm leading
to death or disability. Living with high amounts
of tension and fear, the work environment and
personal life of Chinese medical staff are severely
affected according to previous studies.2 12 In these
situations, the QOL of Chinese physicians needs to
be estimated. The study aimed to evaluate the QOL
of Chinese urologists across the country.
In our study, 856 questionnaires were returned
with a valid response rate of about 86% which is
reasonable, and a total of 708 copies were used for
final assessment. Males comprised the majority
(84.3%) which may be partially derived from the
characteristics of field of urology, and because fewer
females prefer being a surgeon, not to mention an
urologist. It is known that Chinese medical staff’s
work environment and personal life are severely
affected by violence happening in hospitals.1 2 In the four sources of stress in our study, only 54.2% of
medical staff felt stress from medical environment,
while 76.0% and 85.3% felt stress from research work
and promotion, respectively. Following binary logistic
regression analysis (Tables 1 and 2), titles, hospital
locations, and clinical work were demonstrated
as non-affecting factors in the four domains of
WHOQOL-BREF (all P>0.05), indicating that these
three variables may have very limited impact on
doctors’ QOL in today’s world. When considering
hospital location as an example, this information
may provide a powerful and useful reference for
recently graduated medical students in their job
search. As in recently, most medical students tend
to work in big cities,13 and our result indicated that
the QOL of doctors living in provincial capitals and
municipality directly under the central government
may not be better than the other two city types, even
though they might have better opportunities for
further study, better life, and convenience which are
driving their choice to work in big cities.
Like medical students,8 gender, work years, and medical
environment proved as potential affecting factors of
QOL but only influenced one domain of WHOQOL-BREF.
In contrast, research work and promotion
influenced three domains. These results suggest
that research work and promotion might be the
two most considerable sources of stress to Chinese
doctors. As in recent China, with economic and
technological take-off, especially the huge advances
in modern medicine, Chinese doctors have to seize
the opportunity and redouble their efforts to meet
the challenges. Besides daily clinical work, they
usually have to deal with extensive research work,
and only then will they get promoted and paid
well. Combining the above percentage of delegates
choosing medical environment as a source of stress,
it seems that although the medical environment
has become worse and negatively impacts Chinese
medical practice, it has not made such a powerful
or deep influence to urologists’ QOL, when compared
with a wider and subtle impact of research work
and promotion. Nevertheless, the side-effects of
deteriorating medical environment on doctors
should not be ignored, as it indeed negatively affects
QOL of medical staff and medical education even in
the next generation.2 3 The policy-makers in China
should pay more attention to protect medical staff
from violent threats during medical practice and
policies to improve the situation are recommended.
This study has some limitations. First, selection
and response bias might exist as the survey was done
using convenience sampling, was self-reported, only
urologists were investigated, and no comparison on
the time span and other medical specialties were
analysed. Second, other factors which might affect
QOL and also be associated with the factors were
not included and analysed in this study.
The study indicated that the WHOQOL-BREF may
be a reliable and valid QOL assessment tool for
Chinese urologists. It is true that the deteriorative
medical environment negatively affects medical
practice in China according to previous studies and
policies are recommended to improve the situation.
We, however, should not be too pessimistic about it,
as in today’s context research work and promotion
may be the most extensive and significant affecting factors
on doctors’ QOL.
The study was supported by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities of
Central South University in 2013 (no. 2013zzts095).
The authors are grateful to the participants in the
conference who took time to complete the survey.
No conflicts of interest were declared by authors.
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