Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(Suppl 2):S35-7
Inequalities in oral health and oral health care delivery among adults in Hong Kong: an analysis of extant data
C McGrath, YH Cheng, ECM Lo
Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1. Socio-demographic variations in oral health knowledge, attitudes and behaviour exist in Hong Kong; older adults living in institutions have poorest oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour.
2. Socio-demographic variations in oral health exist with respect to clinical oral health status and perceived burden of oral health on quality of life. Older adults living in institutions have poorest dental caries status.
3. Socio-demographic variations in the use of oral health care services exist. Older people, particularly those living in institutions, have less accessible oral care services.
4. This study highlights inequalities in oral health and oral health care delivery among adults in Hong Kong. Appropriate provision of oral health care services for older people is needed.
2. Socio-demographic variations in oral health exist with respect to clinical oral health status and perceived burden of oral health on quality of life. Older adults living in institutions have poorest dental caries status.
3. Socio-demographic variations in the use of oral health care services exist. Older people, particularly those living in institutions, have less accessible oral care services.
4. This study highlights inequalities in oral health and oral health care delivery among adults in Hong Kong. Appropriate provision of oral health care services for older people is needed.